What is the easiest, cheapest way to go about getting a title for a car that hasn't been titled in about 20+ years?
RR, I just went through this with NC's DMV. You will have to apply for a replacement title and, if you cannot locate the rightful owner to sign the vehicle over to you, you will have to secure a 2 year bond.
The bond is usually ~$100 for 2 years, depending on the value the DMV has assigned to your vehicle.
You will have to take it to a DMV "Theft Division" site so they can look the vehicle over and run the numbers to ensure it's not a stolen vehicle.
The bond is required to ensure that, during the 2 year bond period, should anyone try to lay claim to your vehicle, the bond will cover the cost to return the vehicle to it's "rightful" owner. Not saying that will happen to you, but it has happened to others, hence the bonding requirement.
If, however, you can locate the previous owner, get a duplicate/lost title for the vehicle (DMV typically deletes inactive titles after, I think 10 years), or simply file for the new title as outlined above.
NCDMV.gov has the requirements listed. It's really not a big deal.