I run Royal Purple
Purple Ice, water & antifreeze additive, had great success so far,
IIRC no ethylene or poly glycol in it... I'd have to check to be 100% sure thou...
Should be good for race rules...
I run a 37gpm Proform electric water pump & Be-Cool dual electric fans, a 13" 2650cfm pusher & a 16" 2950cfm puller in a custom aluminum shroud & 22" 4 core Mancini Racing aluminum radiator with a 5/8" hole for a restrictor in-place of the thermostat too...
It can run all day & never get over 190* even on a 100* day, the 13" aux pusher fan is rarely even needed just there, for just in case...
In my street car & trucks, I use
Be-Cool Super Duty anti-freeze, with appr. 50% distilled water & add a bottle of
Purple Ice too...
seems good so far, runs cooler than just regular anti freeze & water...
Been doing it for a few years now, no problems at all...
There's waterless anti-freeze too,
like Evans Coolant Quality Waterless Coolant
http://www.lubricationspecialist.com/evans-coolant/?gclid=CKyXmby8r7cCFStyQgodc3oAZg ,
I'm not 100% sure if it's legal for use while racing thou...
good luck