It's still Indian Summer here
it's still 80+ this week, leaves are still mostly green
not completely dumping yet
the grass has turned/dormant a light brown, from summer
usually gets more green in later Oct. early-mid Nov.
right about the time fog, snow & rain starts
the deer & turkeys are moving a lot
the coyotes have moved on
haven't seen any {rattle} snakes in quite a while
still have the blue belly lizards running on the retaining wall
as soon as they quit showing up, it's winter
we have a really short fall season
turkeys out pecking
grass is high & various indigenous trees
Scrub/Black Oak trees
Ponderosa Pines
looking out over the dog run &
my freaken' G-Damn woodpecker deterrent, plastic eagle
nevermind the time stamps I just took them a few min. ago