---Did you cut out the spare tire well?
I replaced the bottom section of it. I cut a few inches out of the sides while I was at it, raised it enough that it would no longer be noticeable from behind with the bumper on.
---Did you cut out the spare tire well?
---Looks like great progress, Malex.
Little update on my progress.....
I’m getting pumped for race season! Been hitting the practice tree regularly, and I feel prepared and ready to improve my performances!
- My shop space is done and is getting good use!
- Valvetrain on the Satellite is done! As I had expected, 1.6 rockers on my Stealth heads required some clearance work at the intake pushrod reliefs. That was a little nerve-racking at first, but I got through it and it turned out good. I also stepped up to 3/8” chrom-moly pushrods (vs the old 5/16” hardened steel ones), so the valvetrain should be more rigid in addition to offering more lift to help make better use of the headwork I had done last year.
- Rear suspension is still in pieces.... no big deal here, just a day in the garage will get this project done.
- The wife is happy.... house interior is freshly painted, and floor project are in process (contractor handling that).
Hey LW you've been busy!! A good upgrade going to the 3/8" push rods. Smith Bros? I believe they are located not too far from you. I recall having to do all sorts of clearancing on my victors too but it has to be done.. Reno's done, happy wife, happy life! Good luck on the track this year!!
Malex, you are a master builder. Dart is coming along very nicely and fast too! I like it....---
I replaced the bottom section of it. I cut a few inches out of the sides while I was at it, raised it enough that it would no longer be noticeable from behind with the bumper on.
---Malex, you are a master builder. Dart is coming along very nicely and fast too! I like it....
Mike, You are becoming my hero...---
Bob, thanks so much for the compliment, I'm just another guy like all you guys, doing what we like to do. All of you guys share good ideas and tips that helps all of us along with our builds. I have kept busy on the Dart though. Here's a few shots of the latest.
Mounted a plate to hold the additional electrical for the Dart. It mounts where the heater box used to be. And the Furd type solenoid, that was a pain in the *** to wire in with the NSS, but I got it, just another relay needed..
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Dash is in place.
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Could have bought a $20 gauge holder but this whole build is about the build so I made one out of scrap aluminum.
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Wiring is pretty much done now. Need a top dash pad still, and the lower pads will be changing to black in a day or 2.
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The Dart is sitting on it's own suspension now. Rear tires are from the 64 and for mock up. There's going to be a lot of masking for when the exterior gets paint, and that will be in the fall..
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There's a lot going on under the back of the Dart!
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This was Oct 1, 2018, so the Dart has come a long ways. Little Buddy has been busy with hockey and all that, but he'll come swooping back in towards the end of the build..lol.
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The Dart is just about done for the season, will pick it back up again after race season is over. The 64 will be coming home soon now, the mopars are changing with the seasons.
And this was the last time I seen the 64. Soon back home. Also have Super Tricks for the rear this year. Will have a different look and launch in 2019. (ladder bars)
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---Mike, You are becoming my hero...