what would I do
If I got this cheap, which you probably did, I would drive it every chance I had, nice weather only, and add a nice set of Magnum 500's or Mopar Rallye wheels, with a nice set of RWL tires, and just enjoy it for what it is!!!
Take it to shows, dairy queen, drive ins, etc and just have fun with it!!! You will have the only one at local car cruises. The slant 6's were bullet proof. IMHO
If I got this cheap, which you probably did, I would drive it every chance I had, nice weather only, and add a nice set of Magnum 500's or Mopar Rallye wheels, with a nice set of RWL tires, and just enjoy it for what it is!!!
Take it to shows, dairy queen, drive ins, etc and just have fun with it!!! You will have the only one at local car cruises. The slant 6's were bullet proof. IMHO