I wouldn't trade my kids or wife for cars. Find a wife that likes cars too.and above all don't get hitched or have rugrats when they grow up they have kids you end up paying for lol.
Kind of understandable as these things are normally hidden away in garages and sheds except for some weekend cruises. They used to be common sights on the roads years ago but with the values rising people get scared to drive them as much (and some insurance policies dictate limited mileage and to and from shows only). Drag your buddies with to some shows and cruises. Educate them and get them hooked on cars too so you can help each other out.I can agree with you all with the younger generation not taking big interest into the hobby, because just the other day i showed a picture of a 71 cuda to my friend and he asked if it was an SS. Then i asked if he even knew what mopar is and he thought they made boat engines
Prices are crazy for sure. I was lucky to get all great deals on everything I own or else I would have never of bought any of them. Well, one was free. I don't see it stopping anytime soon but the next generation is not into classic cars like we are & it will start to dry up eventually. As we get older & need money to retire, prices will start coming down because the younger generation does not appreciated these cars like we do.
Bottom line: There's NOTHING cheap about having one of these old cars. And there isn't any joy in any of these old cars unless you're really into them, which means you have the dedication to put money and time (turning wrenches) and enjoying doing so. If you want a car that you pay a price for and drive it the next 10, 20, or 30 years without significant investment, then you're in the wrong business. Don't go there.
Yes sir! I tell my friends that when I go, get over to the house as soon as they can because my daughter will probably sell that "old" car that needs a muffler and doesn't have air conditioning for $500.Wear it out, I plan to. Don’t care about $ value. The kids do not care and will just sell for some additional self absorbing device with a screen.