There's a "X" button for those wish to use it. They also don't have to engage in the conversation, if they feel no need to go back and forth with all the experts. IT'S KINDA LIKE WHEN PEOPLE GET ALL BENT OUTTA SHAPE FOR PEOPLE USING UPPER CASE LETTERING. It's the internet, and shouldn't be taken so seriously. LOL. [that was a very loud/shouting laugh]
I was more pissed/confused when they did it because it was a long post on a bunch of technical stuff on an engine it was like well WTF dude gimme your info or area you don't agree.....but they just vanished into thin air. Probably read some articles in a magazine once about a lawn mower engine build and decided I was doing something wrong on my 500ci. Briggs and Stratton Stroker!!!!