I really can't remember, where I was or what I was doing
it probably wasn't that big of a deal to me...
They were split up, it was just more Elitist UK Monarchy stuff,
like a media soap opera, hoity toidy crap, to be blunt...
I was pretty much sick of hearing about her or it/them, daily...
Sorry to be so frank, but it's like another episode of "Peyton Place"
she wasn't the Princess anymore, just a divorcee of Prince Charles...
The queen hated her, that's where the story should begin...
From the stuff I've read, she was allegedly good person,
she did act like she wanted to help the poor...
but did she really ?
Or was it just more UK elitist monarchy posing for a photo op BS ?
She had a shitload of marital money {married into the Thrown}
to do what she liked...
I have to ask, did she actually give any of it, of any significance to the poor ?
She was a princess, acted like it too & traveled the world to do it...
I think she was a classy lady, but it pretty much ends there...
I was sorry to hear she died, but wasn't really shocked either...