Although I never met Diana, as a New Zealander, I did have an admiration for the way she conducted herself around the world helping those less fortunate than herself. Diana was the one who shook up the British Monarchy a lot, and since her death, things have changed for the better I think, in the sense that people are more aware of what they stand for.
Sadly Diana died on our 5th wedding anniversary, so for the last 20 years my wife and I have had an annual reminder of the tragic loss. Puts a real dampener on our special day. So yes, I know exactly where I was and what I doing at the time. While I am not a worshipper of the Monarchy, as a New Zealand citizen, and a conservatively minded person, I have respect for them , and wish them no ill will. They were born into that family and are not voted in or out, so it is not a selfish choice they make to be Kings and Queens etc. In fact some of the family live just like the rest of is duty to the state which thrusts some of them into the limelight.