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Which State Has the Worst Drivers?

Runner 68

Tarnished Bronze Member
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
8:57 PM
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
The Red Anvil Dog House
I swear to god, Colorado has attracted the biggest collection of $hit head drivers in the lower 48.

72 mile commute this morning, 5:00 AM, on glaze, black ice and I'm doing 40 in the right lane on the interstate thinking I'm pushing it. Cars in the ditch everywhere and these @ss hats are running 70 in the left lane, only to find them in the ditch a mile down the road.

On the way back, highway dry and clear and the rest of the @ss hats that didn't destroy their cars in the morning, are doing 40 in the left lane when I want to run 80.

Am I getting old and bitter?
I'll put a bid in for Calif. especially LA freeways & Bay Area Freeways,
actually any large metropolis area in Calif. the drivers are rude as hell & just suck...
I'll put a bid in for Calif. especially LA freeways & Bay Area Freeways,
actually any large metropolis area in Calif. the drivers are rude as hell & just suck...

Ahh, I was praying you would respond Bud. I beg to differ. The CA drivers in CO suck major pond water, and rightfully so because they are out of their element. But I still respect them because I have spent several years of my life driving in SoCal.

The people in SoCAL (I differentiate because the state of California, when it comes to driving can be divided into at least 3 states) are tremendous drivers when you consider the amount of flow on the interstates, at the speeds everyone drives, with relatively how few accidents one encounters while driving there. If and when it comes up and rains, all bets are off because they all freak out.

So no, California or at least Southern California does not have the worst drivers, sorry.
Up here in the far northwest of Washington State there are lots of crappy drivers on I-5. Most of them have British Columbia plates on their cars.
I vote Oklahoma. We get quite a few of em here in KS, and they are by far THE WORST I've ever seen. Name a retardation and they have it.

Washington state east of the cascades has the worst fast lane infractions I've experienced.

I've actually found CO drivers (70 into the mtns, up and down 25, and all around Denver) to be quite good...they keep their speed up and get the f outta the way, and are generally courteous...most metropolitan areas I've driven through are like this. I've found it's the less densely populated areas where people are selfish or oblivious to those around them.
I vote Ohio!! It seems that every time i'm driving through the US, I get stuck behind someone in the left lane with OHIO plates that will not move over.
Ahh, I was praying you would respond Bud. I beg to differ. The CA drivers in CO suck major pond water, and rightfully so because they are out of their element. But I still respect them because I have spent several years of my life driving in SoCal.

The people in SoCAL (I differentiate because the state of California, when it comes to driving can be divided into at least 3 states) are tremendous drivers when you consider the amount of flow on the interstates, at the speeds everyone drives, with relatively how few accidents one encounters while driving there. If and when it comes up and rains, all bets are off because they all freak out.
So no, California or at least Southern California does not have the worst drivers, sorry.

that right there is the biggest problem add any moisture & especially where I live, out in the sticks foothills, when & where you can get ice & snow, they forget how to drive, freaken' no driven Ivans...

- - - Updated - - -

Going to town this morning, seen quite a few wrecked, no snow even, just a little moisture overnight & icy roads, in the early hrs of the morning, I saw three wrecks 8 cars, 1 a head on I think & on-top of that 3 dead deer's in completely separate incidents too, that's in a less than 6 mile stretch of road... But allot of deer get killed here on Phoenix Lake rd., near my home, we have most amount of road kill in the area... Sacramento Roads weren't much better, more idiots & less deer....
I vote Ohio!! It seems that every time i'm driving through the US, I get stuck behind someone in the left lane with OHIO plates that will not move over.
In CO, it’s the Jack Wagons from Wyoming that don't know how to move over.

BTW, do we even have any members from Wyoming? I want to know what the state requirements are for driver education.
By "worst", if you mean "reckless" its New Jersey, if you mean "moronic" its New York.
How about Chinatown? Oh, wait, that's not a state. Ahhh, close enough here in CA.
Up here in the far northwest of Washington State there are lots of crappy drivers on I-5. Most of them have British Columbia plates on their cars.

Sir, I do indeed apologize on behalf of my fellow British Columbians for their poor driving on your state highway. There are some of those, for sure! On the other hand, many Washington plates abound in BC, and for the most part they're decent drivers. Except they all seem to have inoperative signal lights.

Sir, I do indeed apologize on behalf of my fellow British Columbians for their poor driving on your state highway. There are some of those, for sure! On the other hand, many Washington plates abound in BC, and for the most part they're decent drivers. Except they all seem to have inoperative signal lights.


Bhwahhhhhahahaha, touche'. One of my biggest gripes is those, in any state or province, that have no clue where the little lever on the left hand side is.

Use your F@cking turn signal for christ sake!
dont get me started on the F$%^ing idiots in IL. I would like to pull over every latte sippin moron and shove their i-phones right up their @$$.
By "worst", if you mean "reckless" its New Jersey, if you mean "moronic" its New York.

Hey, I resemble that remark !!!!!! LOL.

My opinion is south Florida with all the seniors that can't see over the steering wheel and decide to turn into traffic without ever signaling even !!!! That is proof right there for the need for drivers license retesting after a certain age. !!!!
dont get me started on the F$%^ing idiots in IL. I would like to pull over every latte sippin moron and shove their i-phones right up their @$$.

yeah, MarPar don't come to San Francisco anywhere or the Bay Area hwy 13 or 580 or 680 or 780 or 880 freeway/hwys or in Sacramento Hwy 50 or I-80 or Jackson hwy 16 or 49 toward Rancho Murieta in Calif. in either directions & drive then, they also do their make-up "both limp wristed men & many women"...LOL... then there's the fat a$$es stuffing his/her face with a Double cheeseburger, with supersized fries & a mondo sized 32 oz. shake, all while driving, with their knees or elbows... Let alone the 32 oz. frapachino's or latte's in the AM
yeah, MarPar don't come to San Francisco anywhere or the Bay Area hwy 13 or 580 or 680 or 780 or 880 freeway/hwys or in Sacramento Hwy 50 or I-80 or Jackson hwy 16 or 49 toward Rancho Murieta in Calif. in either directions & drive then, they also do their make-up "both limp wristed men & many women"...LOL... then there's the fat a$$es stuffing his/her face with a Double cheeseburger, with supersized fries & a mondo sized 32 oz. shake, all while driving, with their knees or elbows... Let alone the 32 oz. frapachino's or latte's in the AM

ha! sounds like we're in the same damn boat, there Buds!
Couldn't have been any better timing with this post. We (Ohio) got our first good snow last weak while I was at work, on the way home I counted 4 cars in the ditch "really" it's freakin Ohio for crying out loud "it does this every year people". How is it that so many people forget how to drive in the white stuff but have to do it repeatedly every year? Today it really laid it down (what I call a 30mph snow) so I'm on my way home and the semi's (don't get me started on them) fly by completely covering you to the point where you can't see a thing, some tard flies by only to get sideways forcing him to back off and last there was the a$$ monkey in front of me who forgot repeatedly hitting the brakes on ice is a really bad idea. I swear these people are retarded "we get tons of snow every year".
I'm gonna have to say CA!! Why you may ask, well it's pretty damn simple. In states where you get all kinds of bad weather, ie, snow, ice, black ice, freezing rain, rain (heavy or light), drivers slow down. Not here, well more specifically the central valley. You see, we get FOG, it can last for weeks, months or until it rains, then FOG again. It can get so bad, you can't see across the street to your neighbors house, your back yard fence, etc.

You would think people would slow down on the freeway, but NOPE!! Huge multi car accidents, all because people won't slow down when they can't see 2 white lines on the road.
Wow! sounds pretty tough out there must be a lot of texting going on in Co. and Cal. Have you ever seen a Pastor have road rage! now that is a site to see and Jessus was mention a few times. Maine
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