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Which State Has the Worst Drivers?

The drivers here in Rhode Island are the worst. Turn signal? What's that? Yield sign? What does that mean? Red light? Well I'm close enough to the guy in front of me so I can go too.
Driven in CO and was always told to count to 5 after you get a green light at an intersection to allow the people to completely clear out running the red...but VA and FL tie for the most erratic, no signal using drivers I have ever seen. Can't believe everyone is in such a hurry that they can't signal or move between lanes on the interstate without cutting people off.
Philadelphia drivers can definitely compete for this award. Red light means two more cars. Turn lanes are for passing. Parking lanes are just another lane on the road. Texting is something you do while you drive. An exit lane is a form of access. Speed limit signs signify the amount of ammo you should have on you. Minimum speed on a city street is 45. Crosswalks are targets. Insurance is optional. I can go on and on. 12 years in Philly and I'm lucky to have survived. My wife was rear ended 3 times in a month on the way to work last year. Last January, my Ram had the whole drivers side taken out and a 4 inch lift installed by the front end of an F150 right in front of my house- by my neighbor who was drunk and on heroin. One of my former students has a permanent limp from getting hit in a crosswalk. The only thing he remembers is the squealing tires of the car as it sped away. I can go on for days…
dont get me started on the F$%^ing idiots in IL. I would like to pull over every latte sippin moron and shove their i-phones right up their @$$.

I'm glad I'm down here in the wide open spaces of So ILL :) Not to bad around here for the most part.

Worst drivers I've seen lately was Dallas, rude, non-turn signal using, lane cutting off bastages.
Coming home tonight, 87 southbound. New Challenger. 0345. Only gd car on the road. Running the number 2 lane of 3 at about 70. Slightly wet. Moron in Mazda gets on at a ramp and drifts directly in front of me at about 55. I'll keep the rest of the story to myself except he now knows...nevermind. Mazda 3 drivers? Also, I would not buy a Subaru if it was the last car on the planet. Rather walk. Green commercials and I grew up in a Subaru. What crap. We have the distracted, impaired and incompetent. And unlicensed and uninsured.
The drivers here in Rhode Island are the worst. Turn signal? What's that? Yield sign? What does that mean? Red light? Well I'm close enough to the guy in front of me so I can go too.

I hate Rho-D'Island drivers. These people suck monkey balls. As they enter the highway from an entrance ramp, they have to shoot into the left lane as fast as possible only to drive slower and hold up traffic. They'll completely hog the left lane until there is an open spot to pass them, then they speed up so you can't. When their exit comes up, they'll slingshot from one of the left lanes right into the exit ramp.
Bad drivers....everywhere! The side of the Astro van service truck I drive look,s like I,ve been in a demo derby and I haven,t put a mark on it .Here are some of Canada,s worst driver,s ....love watching this show and wonder how the "HELL" did they get there drivers license.....enjoy
I've drove in 34 states. Most of them several times. Most in my 1-T CTD with a loaded trailer. Hit a lot of big cities during rush hour. Drove I-45 from Galveston north thru Houston on a Friday night. Have done the "405" on Friday night rush. Doesn't get any worse than that but I vote that NJ has the worst drivers. All 3 times that I've drove thru there we've been left saying " did that just happen?" Try driving a 22' 1-ton CTD in Neptune and the shore areas. NOBODY in Jersey owns a truck. Twice I was sitting at a stop light when a heard a noise next to me. Once was a MB and the other time was a BMW. Both jumped the curb onto the sidewalk so that when the light turned green they could blast around me. Another time in Neptune we came up on a minor fender bender. All of the drivers just went bazerk trying to get around the wreck causing 2 more wrecks. People jumping the curb. Going in thru the exit of a parking a lot. After sitting for about 3 min we drove away laughing our asses off. NO patients at all there in Jersey.
I will say that Las Vegas in one of the worst cities. Its not so much that they drive 40mph over the speed limit as it is that they run over anything in their way.

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Oh and I've towed a 72 RR down Lake Shore Drive there in Chi-town mister Tallhair.:upside down:
I don't doubt it Mark but I've towed a 68 R/T through OK City in Rush hour back in the early 90's when they had major road construction going on with about 1 ft at best one either side of my trailer's fenders with a semi ON MY *** doing 65+ in a 70 Sat Convert and was scared shitless the whole time. I didn't see the lane necking down until it was to late and I couldn't hit the let off the gas or hit the brakes because the semi was literally on top of me. It seemed like it was hours to get across that town and out of the barricades on both sides of the lane we were in. Actually was about 15 min but I can tell you white knuckles are truly a thing LOL.

Rest assured I'll never do that again, pull with a old mopar CAR that is.
Yep I've had my "Oh ****" moments too. Got in a bad, could have been life taking, wreck in St Louis a few years back. Kid stopped side ways in my lane and I grazed his little truck with my bigger truck and trailer at 60 mph. Totaled his truck but if I had not reacted I would have gone thru his drivers door killing him.

St Louis really sucks during rush hour too if you have to drive thru downtown.
I swear to god, Colorado has attracted the biggest collection of $hit head drivers in the lower 48.

72 mile commute this morning, 5:00 AM, on glaze, black ice and I'm doing 40 in the right lane on the interstate thinking I'm pushing it. Cars in the ditch everywhere and these @ss hats are running 70 in the left lane, only to find them in the ditch a mile down the road.

On the way back, highway dry and clear and the rest of the @ss hats that didn't destroy their cars in the morning, are doing 40 in the left lane when I want to run 80.

Am I getting old and bitter?
You should come to Houston if you want to see morons!
I swear to god, Colorado has attracted the biggest collection of $hit head drivers in the lower 48.

Worst part about driving in CO isn't the snow or the mountains, it's the out of state drivers that come here. Sight seeing at 35mph in the left lane going up a mountain.

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I vote Ohio!! It seems that every time i'm driving through the US, I get stuck behind someone in the left lane with OHIO plates that will not move over.

I have that very problem with CA drivers. Even in Utah, NV and CO. Once they get into the left lane they just will not move over for anything. Here in CO the law is Keep right except to pass. Not make everyone pass you on the right.

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2 of the easiest cities to drive are Indy and Columbus. Drove I-70 right thru downtown during rush hour several times and was cake.
I think its the local drivers as well here in CO, some idiot in my neighborhood was driving through the neighborhood last night on snow packed roads, which have now been that way for days, was going too fast and took out the light pole on my corner.
Yep I've had my "Oh ****" moments too. Got in a bad, could have been life taking, wreck in St Louis a few years back. Kid stopped side ways in my lane and I grazed his little truck with my bigger truck and trailer at 60 mph. Totaled his truck but if I had not reacted I would have gone thru his drivers door killing him.

St Louis really sucks during rush hour too if you have to drive thru downtown.

Me too the MO to IL exchange ain't no cake walk at rush hour either :) But it's not as bad as it used to be and overall I find the drivers to be pretty decent and courteous, especially downtown near the stadium, but that's mainly us hicks coming in for the game from So ILL LOL!
Hey, I resemble that remark !!!!!! LOL.

My opinion is south Florida with all the seniors that can't see over the steering wheel and decide to turn into traffic without ever signaling even !!!! That is proof right there for the need for drivers license retesting after a certain age. !!!!
OK, I have lived in Florida all my life and I've heard more than a time or two "you people down here have the worst drivers". My response to that has been, yes, you are absolutely right, 80% of the drivers here are from someplace else, mainly up north where you're from.
Illinois has to rank high along with Jersey. Remember the term FIB, f@#%ing Illinois Basterd. on the other hand, I have had enough pleasant driving experiences in the northwest to say that Washington and Oregon are my favorite states to drive in.
New Jersey....and to all the state to which these folks retire and move to in numbers.....I recall the line from a movie...We're not weird, we're from Jersey!!
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