Well-Known Member
The drivers here in Rhode Island are the worst. Turn signal? What's that? Yield sign? What does that mean? Red light? Well I'm close enough to the guy in front of me so I can go too.
i agree with you !:3gears:By "worst", if you mean "reckless" its New Jersey, if you mean "moronic" its New York.
dont get me started on the F$%^ing idiots in IL. I would like to pull over every latte sippin moron and shove their i-phones right up their @$$.
The drivers here in Rhode Island are the worst. Turn signal? What's that? Yield sign? What does that mean? Red light? Well I'm close enough to the guy in front of me so I can go too.
You should come to Houston if you want to see morons!I swear to god, Colorado has attracted the biggest collection of $hit head drivers in the lower 48.
72 mile commute this morning, 5:00 AM, on glaze, black ice and I'm doing 40 in the right lane on the interstate thinking I'm pushing it. Cars in the ditch everywhere and these @ss hats are running 70 in the left lane, only to find them in the ditch a mile down the road.
On the way back, highway dry and clear and the rest of the @ss hats that didn't destroy their cars in the morning, are doing 40 in the left lane when I want to run 80.
Am I getting old and bitter?
I vote Ohio!! It seems that every time i'm driving through the US, I get stuck behind someone in the left lane with OHIO plates that will not move over.
I swear to god, Colorado has attracted the biggest collection of $hit head drivers in the lower 48.
I vote Ohio!! It seems that every time i'm driving through the US, I get stuck behind someone in the left lane with OHIO plates that will not move over.
Yep I've had my "Oh ****" moments too. Got in a bad, could have been life taking, wreck in St Louis a few years back. Kid stopped side ways in my lane and I grazed his little truck with my bigger truck and trailer at 60 mph. Totaled his truck but if I had not reacted I would have gone thru his drivers door killing him.
St Louis really sucks during rush hour too if you have to drive thru downtown.
OK, I have lived in Florida all my life and I've heard more than a time or two "you people down here have the worst drivers". My response to that has been, yes, you are absolutely right, 80% of the drivers here are from someplace else, mainly up north where you're from.Hey, I resemble that remark !!!!!! LOL.
My opinion is south Florida with all the seniors that can't see over the steering wheel and decide to turn into traffic without ever signaling even !!!! That is proof right there for the need for drivers license retesting after a certain age. !!!!