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So that's like 4-5 votes for Jersey.
You should come to Houston if you want to see morons!
Illinois has to rank high along with Jersey. Remember the term FIB, f@#%ing Illinois Basterd. on the other hand, I have had enough pleasant driving experiences in the northwest to say that Washington and Oregon are my favorite states to drive in.
Sir, I do indeed apologize on behalf of my fellow British Columbians for their poor driving on your state highway. There are some of those, for sure! On the other hand, many Washington plates abound in BC, and for the most part they're decent drivers. Except they all seem to have inoperative signal lights.
OK, I have lived in Florida all my life and I've heard more than a time or two "you people down here have the worst drivers". My response to that has been, yes, you are absolutely right, 80% of the drivers here are from someplace else, mainly up north where you're from.
Here's another vote for New Jersey. I once worked at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover and had to commute every day from my house in Tobyhanna, PA via I-80 and it was a misery. It hardly mattered what time I would get up and drive in to work as there was always wall to wall traffic on I-80 even though they had like 6 lanes (3 each way, 4 east of the Dover exit).
And I can never forget the impatient ba$tards who wanted to turn left in front of you at an intersection as soon as the light turned green, even though you had the right of way. (I am referring of course to you being on one side of the intersection and the impatient jackass being on the other side of the intersection.) I quickly learned to wait for a few seconds after the light changed while driving in Jersey as I didn't want to t-bone some jerk in on-coming traffic who was making a left turn in front of me.
We get the same here in Ontario. "It's nothing frickin' new people... it happens every damn year!!!!"Couldn't have been any better timing with this post. We (Ohio) got our first good snow last weak while I was at work, on the way home I counted 4 cars in the ditch "really" it's freakin Ohio for crying out loud "it does this every year people". How is it that so many people forget how to drive in the white stuff but have to do it repeatedly every year? Today it really laid it down (what I call a 30mph snow) so I'm on my way home and the semi's (don't get me started on them) fly by completely covering you to the point where you can't see a thing, some tard flies by only to get sideways forcing him to back off and last there was the a$$ monkey in front of me who forgot repeatedly hitting the brakes on ice is a really bad idea. I swear these people are retarded "we get tons of snow every year".
I hate Rho-D'Island drivers. These people suck monkey balls. As they enter the highway from an entrance ramp, they have to shoot into the left lane as fast as possible only to drive slower and hold up traffic. They'll completely hog the left lane until there is an open spot to pass them, then they speed up so you can't. When their exit comes up, they'll slingshot from one of the left lanes right into the exit ramp.
Could it possibly be that the states with legalized pot sales are the states with the worst drivers? And could the 2 be related? LOL
Could it possibly be that the states with legalized pot sales are the states with the worst drivers? And could the 2 be related? LOL