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Which State Has the Worst Drivers?

Here's another vote for New Jersey. I once worked at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover and had to commute every day from my house in Tobyhanna, PA via I-80 and it was a misery. It hardly mattered what time I would get up and drive in to work as there was always wall to wall traffic on I-80 even though they had like 6 lanes (3 each way, 4 east of the Dover exit).

And I can never forget the impatient ba$tards who wanted to turn left in front of you at an intersection as soon as the light turned green, even though you had the right of way. (I am referring of course to you being on one side of the intersection and the impatient jackass being on the other side of the intersection.) I quickly learned to wait for a few seconds after the light changed while driving in Jersey as I didn't want to t-bone some jerk in on-coming traffic who was making a left turn in front of me.
You should come to Houston if you want to see morons!

Oh, I don't know Cranky. I have driven in just about every state, Texas isn't all that bad, Houston, maybe. Just about every major city is bad. Don't people die in Texas on the roads every year when you get a skiff of snow?

I will however agree with the Jersey votes.

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Illinois has to rank high along with Jersey. Remember the term FIB, f@#%ing Illinois Basterd. on the other hand, I have had enough pleasant driving experiences in the northwest to say that Washington and Oregon are my favorite states to drive in.

If we're talking best state to drive in, Montana by far.
Sir, I do indeed apologize on behalf of my fellow British Columbians for their poor driving on your state highway. There are some of those, for sure! On the other hand, many Washington plates abound in BC, and for the most part they're decent drivers. Except they all seem to have inoperative signal lights.


Ah yes. Those people are from Seattle where they are still trying to figure out what that little lever on the left side of the steering column does.
Agree 100%. You get all the snowbirds.

OK, I have lived in Florida all my life and I've heard more than a time or two "you people down here have the worst drivers". My response to that has been, yes, you are absolutely right, 80% of the drivers here are from someplace else, mainly up north where you're from.

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On behalf of all Jersey drivers, I humbly accept the NJ drivers suck award (except for those that drive Mopars, of course!!). Having been born and raised here and driving here for 35+ years, I can tell you that whenever I drive in another state or country, I feel confident that I can handle any situation on the road. I also feel very comfortable with my kids driving anywhere, having cut their teeth on the roads of the Garden State. Thank you all and remember, if you see a car with Jersey plates in your rear view mirror, pull over into the right lane !!!!!!!!!! :hello2:

Here's another vote for New Jersey. I once worked at Picatinny Arsenal in Dover and had to commute every day from my house in Tobyhanna, PA via I-80 and it was a misery. It hardly mattered what time I would get up and drive in to work as there was always wall to wall traffic on I-80 even though they had like 6 lanes (3 each way, 4 east of the Dover exit).

And I can never forget the impatient ba$tards who wanted to turn left in front of you at an intersection as soon as the light turned green, even though you had the right of way. (I am referring of course to you being on one side of the intersection and the impatient jackass being on the other side of the intersection.) I quickly learned to wait for a few seconds after the light changed while driving in Jersey as I didn't want to t-bone some jerk in on-coming traffic who was making a left turn in front of me.
I must point out the Dallas drivers I saw on my last trip did not appear to be 'from there' either
Couldn't have been any better timing with this post. We (Ohio) got our first good snow last weak while I was at work, on the way home I counted 4 cars in the ditch "really" it's freakin Ohio for crying out loud "it does this every year people". How is it that so many people forget how to drive in the white stuff but have to do it repeatedly every year? Today it really laid it down (what I call a 30mph snow) so I'm on my way home and the semi's (don't get me started on them) fly by completely covering you to the point where you can't see a thing, some tard flies by only to get sideways forcing him to back off and last there was the a$$ monkey in front of me who forgot repeatedly hitting the brakes on ice is a really bad idea. I swear these people are retarded "we get tons of snow every year".
We get the same here in Ontario. "It's nothing frickin' new people... it happens every damn year!!!!"
lot of folks will attest to he fact that driving in larger cities one meets more a-holes than average...Atlanta gets a bad rap I think as compared to Charlotte...I try to schedule my travels to avoid rush hours in either city but Charlotte is horrible...some of the most rude people ever...in Atlanta I can be in rush hour, pulling a loaded car trailer and never have I ever been refused a lane change there..I would rather pull a trailer through this town than ride a motorcycle...that is another story...traffic just moves too fast even in wet weather to ever feel safe there on a mtc...this is with 7 lanes of bumper to bumper..
The reason OH drivers don't speed much is that in OH you get a ticket for doing one mile over, and cops routinely go 1/2 a mile over in either lane to bait people into passing them.

OTOH, because OH drivers have to deal with snow and ice, they almost never pull out in front of other cars that are already going highway speed.
I now go out of my way to avoid Ohio at all cost....wall to wall cops...I hit Indiana state line and opened the little GLH up and let the big dog eat..I have owned a number of cars in my time and never but never have I had cops turn around to follow me as I did with the GLH..and that was in about every state....even when driving my Porsche I never got a second glance...so my next turbo vehicle was a sleeper Caravan with 5 speed on the floor...
I hate Rho-D'Island drivers. These people suck monkey balls. As they enter the highway from an entrance ramp, they have to shoot into the left lane as fast as possible only to drive slower and hold up traffic. They'll completely hog the left lane until there is an open spot to pass them, then they speed up so you can't. When their exit comes up, they'll slingshot from one of the left lanes right into the exit ramp.

Funny, we're always complaining about Mass. drivers!
if you are talking drivers in general and not bad driving do to weather and traffic,then vegas beats em all.we have,at any time,100,000 to 400,000 tourests in town.what is it that makes people forget how to drive while on vacation?i have been in about 6 or more accidents while in this town.every one was a tourest and there fault!i think we should pass special laws against tourests driving in this town.dont even get me started on the ones from other countrys.its an every day occurence to see someone driving down the wrong side of the road.
Could it possibly be that the states with legalized pot sales are the states with the worst drivers? And could the 2 be related? LOL
I drive from NY to Alabama 4 times a year ... the 2nd worst drivers are in Ohio ..cops are brutal there too... but the worst drivers are from Ontario .......I live on the border and have to deal with them WAY too often .......( best drivers N.Carolina use the left lane to pass only )
Could it possibly be that the states with legalized pot sales are the states with the worst drivers? And could the 2 be related? LOL

yeah I LMFAO, you may have a very good point there !!
Could it possibly be that the states with legalized pot sales are the states with the worst drivers? And could the 2 be related? LOL

It's possible that being high on dope would actually improve the driving skill of some of the asshat drivers in Seattle. It would certainly help the cabbies.:pimp_daddy:
while my views may be skewed (ok..conservative) to others here, this so called legalizing is pure garbage...and even if legal to have/consume..it is not legal to operate a vehicle under the influence same as with alcohol and prescription narcotics...
Having been driving for 25 years in a semi, I can say that there are a lot of A-holes in all the 48 states that I've been in. Even my own state of Iowa. I've seen rude people in all states and have seen courteous drivers as well. When drivers are out in the open, they are pretty decent. It's when you get into the congested cities where they become Jeckyl and Hyde. I could write a book on all the rude people I've seen as well as the ones that actually slow to let me out in the left lane to pass someone slower. I'm not voting for any 1 state that is better or worse.

747, I'm not defending the other drivers as they are getting worse by the year (comforting isn't it). But with the new laws we have, it is not like it was before that we could stop or take our time like we used too. Yes we do sit a little higher so the snow blowing off your tires doesn't bother us the way it affects you. If it is any condolence, I had 2 semi's snow blind me while I was going from Minot, nd. to Carrington, nd. earlier this week when the Dakota's was getting their weather. I don't like to do it to anybody if I don't have too.
I've been trying to follow all the details in this thread and compare to all the states that I've driven in . . .

I think I got it all figured out . . . the state withe the worst drivers is the state of "mine" . . .

whatever state I'm currently living seems to have the worse drivers ! ! !

Cause every time I get into the car - they find me . . . ( sigh )
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