cool car toys
My step father Bob would take me to a Place called Buzzy Bees, in Concord Ca., they were a large indoor 1/16th scale slot car track/drag strip & parts/hobby shop, we use to build all sorts of different types of slot cars & go race allot, when he wasn't really Drag Racing somewhere on the west coast, between that & the Hot Wheels probably help to make me the gear-head I am today... I remember one car we had I have no idea what brand or make, but it had a "Metalic Gold" Chaparral style body, with a wing front & rear & some sticky "white" wide rubber tires, & full sprung suspension, I was almost unbeatable with that damn thing, it had a welding wire/brazing rod, skeleton type frame, Bob fabbed/soldered up for me, some hot dog special wound motor & special brushes & big old magnets that kept it on the track, I loved beating the old farts, that would come into Buzzy Bees all the time, I was maybe 9-10-11 y/o somewhere around 68-69-70, fun stuff, good memories... I gave all my Hot Wheels, Trains, Slot cars, tracks etc. to my young Nephew when my sister Candy went into the Air Force, I pretty Much raised him for a while, she was on some kind of sortie or hop all the time she was in the service & her husband was in a in air re-fueling squadron, that was gone all the time too, they were both up in Anchorage most all the time... Anyway when my Nephew Keith was about 10-11 y/o, he sold or traded all that stuff, for a POS Taco 44 mini-bike he wanted, I was kind of pissed, but he really wanted that damn mini-bike, being the cool Uncle I was, he got what he wanted usually... Some of those old trains were from my Gran-dad youth & my Father's era, they weren't worth much then, but they are sure worth something now, I'm sure... Oh well such is life...