Especially for ‘blade’ and others. Cessna looking at de-icers on fixed landing gear like model 208(?). Sorry it’s Friday & memory not that great! ( inside info from the oldest!)
De-Ice (pneumatic boots) or Anti-Ice(TKS solvent(makes a mess) & in the case of turbines, usually pure jets, bleed air Hot Edges)Especially for ‘blade’ and others. Cessna looking at de-icers on fixed landing gear like model 208(?). Sorry it’s Friday & memory not that great! ( inside info from the oldest!)
Update- 408 model, ‘Sky Courier’ pneumatic de-icer. Only 3 de-icer companies in the world,who woulda thunk?De-Ice (pneumatic boots) or Anti-Ice(TKS solvent(makes a mess) & in the case of turbines, usually pure jets, bleed air Hot Edges)
The 208 Caravan(turbo-prop) comes from factory with optioned pneumatic boots & I just read that there are TKS systems available for it. Also there are additional boot kits available for leading edges of wing struts, gear struts, under belly cargo pod, ie any frontal edge susceptible to building ice. Maybe Cessna is researching a bleed air Hot edge system? Or a factory installed TKS system? Just making a wild guess.
I used to take care of a Hawker 700 (with fan jet conversions on it) that had TKS anti-ice edges & I hated it, made a major mess, also the solution is corrosive(wtf?). Add that solution supply is limited to capacity of given reservoir, whereas De-Ice & Bleed Air are available as long as engines are turning & no mechanical malfunction in systems pumping/plumbing.
Another huge drawback(IMO)to TKS is system MUST be activated every so many hours(Mandated by FAR, regardless of weather)to keep system from gumming up.
Update- 408 model, ‘Sky Courier’ pneumatic de-icer. Only 3 de-icer companies in the world,who woulda thunk?