I'm shocked at how many P47D fans are out there. People always look at me weird for being my favorite warbird. They're like a hemi-road runner.
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The A10 fleet has been re-winged and will see service until 2030 or beyond.
I didn't think speed was the big setback, at 426 mph. it wasn't too slow. No, I think the biggest minus for that airplane was simply the cost - being around 60% more expensive than a Mustang. When you're going to wrap 5 tons of airframe and a 2,000 hp. engine together, you gotta expect to pay for it.The P47, Thunderbolt or "Jug" was one of if not THE toughest planes of WW2. Only setback was speed. Heavily armored, equivilent of today's A-10 "Warthog". (Or as we Tankers in the Army Called it?)