Well-Known Member
Hate to burst your Tacoma bubble. My dd is a 2005 Tacoma double cab. At 110k miles, I just had to change the front hubs and wheel bearings. They are "sealed" with no grease fittings and are a serious design flaw in the 2005 and up Tacos. Only a 2-3 hour job, but a hassle, especially if you don't have a press for the new bearings. When you need to do yours, shoot me a pm and I'll give you the info on where I sourced the parts. I saved over $300.
Thanks for the heads up...yours a 4wd? This apply to 2wd PreRunners too? I'm at 43k right now, and to be honest, I'm hoping the truck just lasts long enough for the new mustangs to come out. Think I might trade it for a new mustang as a dd and buy an old truck...the Taco has been solid thus far, but it has a number of little things that irritate me about it.