Thanks for the education on CO detectors. I live in a rental home and have 3 detectors in the house. I had no idea they reach an end of life and mistakenly just thought the batteries drain like a smoke detector. Time to get some replacement detectors!
One of the detectors is mounted in the 2 car garage. I live in a mild climate in northern CA near the bay. I only park the 68 plymouth in the garage and the gas water heater is also at the rear of the garage. When I drive the mopar every few months and pull it back inside the garage, typically I'll shut off the car, leave the garage door open for 20 minutes, head upstairs to clean up, then back down to the garage and close the garage door. Usually when I do that, the CO alarm goes off about 15 min later. This is long after the car was shut off, the garage had supposedly aired out and the garage door shut. If I don't drive the car, the CO alarm has never sounded. So I know there's CO emissions from the car, but how to go about keeping the CO alarm in the garage to do its job, but not have it go off every time I drive the car? If the car has been shut off and the alarm goes off 1/2 hr later, am I in physical danger being in the area?