A gun is a tool. We use tools for our cars...
Guns come in 10 mm too!
A gun is a tool. We use tools for our cars...
Unlike a missing 10mm wrench, nobody misplaces one of those!
I’m not a big gun guy and even can get annoyed by too much gun talk by my friends that own a bunch, even tho I enjoy occasionally going to the range with one of them. Being good with a gun while not all that into it is more credible than someone who is scared to handle one and then says anything anti-gun. I say things somewhere in the middle.Ok, you asked for a serious answer. Guns and cars are each mechanically fascinating.
must disagree vehemently.Phallic symbols for most.
Many gun owners claim that guns are for personal protection, in most cases what they're really protecting is their sense of manhood. If guns were really for personal protection, the majority of gun owners would be women, who usually use them to protect themselves from men, but they're mostly owned by men.
Cars can be a sign of, look at me, a perception of success or a feeling of turning s**t into apple butter by just enjoying the simple art of tinkering. Money can make either one of them more enjoyable. For me personally, I'm down to one of each.