You do great work! I love seeing what other people do for a living.It's a Bi-polar Electrodialysis system, which is for adjusting/controlling product pH (wine in this case) quality and clarity without chemical additives. In basic terms it uses great big battery cell membranes to extract negative- or positive-charged ions from the product which lets the winemakers dial in the desired pH levels for a particular batch by targeting certain compunds in the wine such as tartaric acid or potassium. Very precise and more "sustainable" tech, you know, they like to be able to paste that word on everything nowadays!
Never cared for the ocean much. Learned to swim before I was 3 or 4 and was taught life guard safety classes in 6th grade.Never was a great swimmer but liked to be in the water a lot. Even surfed car hoods on the sand and along the edge of the water and at times got out into the water too far with them. Most hoods we tried didn't like being in the water lol. Anyways, after being taste tested more times than I cared to be while waiting on one of Galveston's non waves, I stopped surfing. Not my world and wasn't that good of a surfer anywaysBest time of the year for waves there was winter time or when a storm was coming in.
Oh man! Done some sailing with a buddy but we never went off shore. With a good breeze, running 12 mph is easy but tacking back can take 3-4 times longer or more. Had to laugh on this one lol but what's worse is when the wind goes dead calm and you don't have a motor. That happened to us once (we had a motor but it was a very small one mainly for getting in and out of the marina) but the wind around here usually doesn't do that very often and when it does, it doesn't stay that way for long.Never cared for the ocean much. Learned to swim before I was 3 or 4 and was taught life guard safety classes in 6th grade.
My father and I rented a catamaran in Clearwater Florida one vacation, 1969, I was 13. We got a quick lesson and told to stay just off shore.
Once the sail was up and I had her trimmed, we were on the run. My dad was laying there soaking up the sun enjoying the ride, as for me, I didn't tie off the rigging, in case something should happen, I could let loose and things would come to a stop. Once we were really underway, sail full and we were move along faster than I expected on water that was like glass, I just looked at the shore and kept the 7 or 8 story hotel insight. The boat was flying and one tube came out of the water and fall back in, my father sat up, feeling the jolt. He now looks for shore and there was none. I could just see the top of the roof of the hotel and that was all. He was sure we had traveled to far out and lost direction. After we got done arguing about how we were going to die or they were going to come find us with a boat, I turned us around and we now were headed windward, into the wind. We started zig-zagging into the wind to get back to shore. It's a slow process and just making sure the roof line was in sight we made it back. When we were close, I could see people, many people looking in our direction. When we got back to shore, the screaming started!! I had no idea, at the time how far out we were and my dad and I would laugh about this later in life, but, man were we sailors for the day............ We were band from ever coming back for a rental, for life!! Later I calculated that a 8 story building at about 27 meters would have put us out about 12 miles.
Oh God, I thank God that did happen to us. No wind, we'd still be out there. There was nothing out there but endless water, smooth like glass.Oh man! Done some sailing with a buddy but we never went off shore. With a good breeze, running 12 mph is easy but tacking back can take 3-4 times longer or more. Had to laugh on this one lol but what's worse is when the wind goes dead calm and you don't have a motor. That happened to us once (we had a motor but it was a very small one mainly for getting in and out of the marina) but the wind around here usually doesn't do that very often and when it does, it doesn't stay that way for long.
I was at Camp Perry with my dad when I was a kid. Good memories. I was and still am very proud of my dad and his service.Army & Marine Corps marksmanship teams come out 4 days early for practice. Then, next week; it’s Camp Perry for the same thing all over again. Interestingly, 2002 the Coast Guard sent a team( with a flyover by a USCG chopper from Cleveland). Never saw them again(?)