The Bills beat the Steelers !
Free phone football,I'm pissed. Looked forward all week to seeing the cowboys/eagles game (hoping the eagles win 100-0), but 'cause i'm in arizona, the nfl says i get to watch the 4-9-1 cardinals instead.
You need to learn to lose gracefully! Lol
Yeah seems like more commercials today and I see programs have no commercials for the 1st 20 minutes of the show then bam they increase them especially toward the end. Some oldsters might remember when Bonanza tried commercial-free episodes having 10 or so minutes of all commercials at the close of the hour. I remember Ben walking around the Ponderosa corral among new Chevy Impalas telling us how wonderful they were. That didn't last long!Watched NFL Game day at 10:27 pm, commercial on 10:31 hosts on 1 min.. 10:32 until 10:37 commercials. 10:37 until 10:49 highlights! 10:49 to 10:53 commercials then 1 min hosts doing promo. 10:54 to 11pm guess what commercials. 19 to 20 mins of commercials and promo in 33 mins. Football games to many communications.
Just like every week.