My above suggestions were for the dead spot. I have a few suggestions for the accelerator pump circuit:
- When you use your finger to push down on the primary accelerator pump diaphragm arm, do you get a good, solid squirt or is it just a dribble (or whatever you're experiencing)? Don't do this too much as you run the risk of damaging the diaphragm.
-- If solid, work backwards in the circuit to fix. Look at pump cam installation (make sure it's installed on the #1 hole and not the #2 hole), override spring adjustment is correct, possibly slightly bending the arm to take up slack (then reset the override spring adjustment), etc. Movement should happen instantaneous when the primary throttle shaft begins to move.
-- If a dribble, work forward in the circuit. Check the front pump diaphragm (make sure it isn't leaking, torn - sounds like you've already done this), make sure you didn't install a bowl/metering block gasket backwards (though nowadays I don't think they design them so there is a backwards) or that the gasket is blocking the fuel passage for the squirter, make sure the squirter needle valve is present [this might be your problem - this needle ensures fuel is always present at the squirter] which is installed below the squirter [if you turned the carb upside down to jiggle the squirter out of the choke horn, this little guy would have fallen out], and take a peek into the squirter nozzles themselves to see if they're clogged (use either the appropriately sized drill bit or a wire brush bristle to physically clear the nozzles).
Let us know how it's going. Best of luck!