About 12 on a US gallon, running on 87. Stock 77 camper van. Stop and go drops the mileage a bit, we weigh 6600. On the highway we had a lot of drag from the overhanging roof.
I have made that part more aerodynamic efficient.
Engine and gearbox are out, back in over the next couple of weeks. We hope to improve to about 15 US gallon.
Shirley and I split the fuel bill, so my gas is half price, or we do 24 to 30. The best Mercedes diesel camper van does about 23. The older units are better. Sometimes I meet a 2 ton larger camper van with a 460 Ford. One guy claimed 15mpg. I think 8 would be more accurate.
New Ram camper van, or a used Mercedes is about $150,000 or more. We have spent about $15,000 so far, and we have many new pieces. Some parts like our fridge are more efficient, and we have beer inside.