Well.... I’ll be.... what they won’t think of next lol
Since this post wound up long, I am putting this at the top.
The Progression Ignition has a GREAT feature that accommodates BOOSTed engines!! Here's the link to their channel featuring the "tuning for BOOST" details:

I saw a guy at a big out of state MOPAR show I had taken my Roadrunner to, and I think it was Chattanooga, but it may have been another "a couple of states away from Louisiana" venue..The important thing is he had a cheap tablet/laptop device, and several components that made up his homemade "ignition control system". Being as I am a VERY strong proponent of the critical role (IMO) the ignition system plays in a performance application especially, I took a great interest in his description and "demo" of the setup. The tablet was "glitchy" and slow, the components being strung together with one item on the fender, one under the dash, in the trunk, zip tied to the steering column...you get the picture. NOT the most reliable setup, and I don't recall his name...
The concept was FASCINATING and damn near what I had been dreaming of someone bringing into existence.
Time passes, and one of my forum friends directs my attention to the GENIUS of Ted at Progression and by then Progression had videos to demonstrate the product and the great app used to setup, tune, control, AND give live real time feedback on what the timing, manifold vacuum, RPMs, and so on were doing.
When I entered some baseline numbers (on the opening page of the app) and it self-generated a starting point, the graphic of that timing map hurtled my mind back to the day, the LONG 8 hour day, when I had my 2011 Harley-Davidson V-Rod tuned for more performance and the 2 simple mods I had done simultaneously. It ran on the lean edge from the factory by design, but the Delphi module in the EFI control unit is fairly powerful, and I had selected the TTS MasterTune software solution for my choice in product to take it to this one small step up. I contacted the guy who is the trainer of the motorcycle shop techs/mechanics who are certified in using this particular technology, and he directed me to H&D Cycles in Lillian, Alabama as the BEST tech for the TTS system and relatively close to me.
The MAP that was displayed for tuning all of the aspects the computer controlled system affected looked a LOT like the one the Progression Ignition system app generates..
LOOK AT THE VIDEOS on the Progression Ignition YouTube channel and WITNESS the GENIUS of this system!!
There is NO ignition system that I know of for carbureated engines that offers the kind of FINE TUNING that the Progression system does, AND it can also just pop out a basic "map" and some people could run that and get better performance without ever touching it vs a crappy setup or worse, a good ignition system that is too difficult to understand how to tune for their particular "best purposes".
One feature I may use is to compensate for when I turn on my AC system. Unless I decide to use the factory 6bbl electronic idle solenoid to increase the idle RPMs to compensate for the draw down in RPMs when I turn the AC compressor on (for what the idle solenoids are selling for, I may sell mine and take the CASH to finance my build LOL), the Progression system can slightly increase the ignition advance in the very narrow RPM range it slows to when the compressor engages. They feature the "same concept" in a video on their channel, but the "event" is the drop in RPMs for automatic transmission equipped cars, especially those with low vacuum, high performance cams that want to keep their idle speed low, but at that setting when they shift into "D" and are idling, like sitting at a light etc, the engine slows enough to drop oil pressure, not do a great job of charging the battery or spinning the AC compressor to get that great cold, dry air blowing around, and the fan speed drops too.
So without any compensation for either case (AC on, or N or P into Drive) about the only other choice is to always have the idle HIGHER than it needs to be, so it won't be too SLOW when the AC comes on or it's put into gear.
It's an interesting scenario because it really highlights the precise tuning that only this kind of setup can provide.
If you want a 850 RPM idle speed, and AC off or in neutral that is what you have, then just add however many degrees of advance you find you need to compensate for the additional load of the torque converter, or in my case, the AC compressor. If the idle drops from 850 to 725 when I turn on the AC, I would just add, say 2° of advance from 800 down to 600 RPMs. That way whatever makes the RPMs drop below my desired 850 will be overcome by the extra advance, but when it's idling at 850, the "extra" advance goes back down to whatever I had it set at.