Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of some of the rockers.
As a rule of thumb, I'd have no more than 3 exposed threads on the adjusters. The one on the right has 5, the one on the left has 3. From this, I can surmise the valve tip heights, or push rod lengths are not uniform. Most folks don't fully appreciate the tremendous forces and pressures involved in the valve train, obviously your machine shop doesn't either. On our wedge MOPARS with rocker shafts, its even more important to get the valve lengths uniform across the back when the valves are seated. Then you can adjust with a set of uniform, custom length push rods, in the correct diameter for your rockers (5/16 or 3/8).
What spring pressure were you running? High RPM with inadequate springs can wreck havoc on power and valve train equipment.