Thanks for the warm welcome everybody, missed all you guys! So here's a post you might like: I'm still plugging along wrapping up the Chebbie (looks like we finally have some righteous outdoor bodywork weather lined up this week), but after a long few months I was finally able to get a few minutes of work done on the Charger! Lol
Nothing amazing but got some flash corosion stripped, cobwebs blown off, and a few minutes of bodywork done on the quarter-to-roof seams. It's also sounding like Meep-Meep is coming up to take delivery of his Roadrunner this weekend, but first I'll be helping him and Muscle Car Alley Mike get the engine and drivetrain in, maybe if I'm lucky Mike might pay me in a piece of AMD sheet metal or two haha. In any case, it felt good to take a small step forward
Kindof had to take a moment to regroup and get a new gameplan together for Frankenstein as well, now that the Chebbie is back and I can take as much time as I need on the Charger without rushing to any "I need a means of my own transportation" thing or "I gotta drive it this season" imaginary deadline.
That being said, I do want to get it back running ASAP just in the interest of not letting a tank of gas go bad, not letting the engine sit for too long without a fireoff, and obviously the motivation of hearing that wedge fired off and pegged to 6 grand haha. So last week I scored myself a deal on a fleabay Mopar Performance electronic distributor, leaving just picking up a mopar orange box Mike Devee was going to give me, and throwing that powdercoated Holley double pumper back together and on the engine. Should be getting all that going after this weekend when I get over to Mike's.
So if you guy's thought that was good news....
...cause Speedy's officially started piecing together Frankenstein's full sequential electronic fuel injection setup! Starting with a trip to the junkyard with my girlfriend and my good friend Casey (aka the friend I got to buy an '87 Grand National with his sold subaru funds lol) and here's what we managed to scavenge up: (mini remote rervoir power steering pump was a craigslist find that'll also hopefully end up on the Charger if it fits under the Procharger)
Couldn't believe how nice all this stuff cleaned up with a quick degreasing
A '97 Grand Prix sacrificed the following:
-Throttle Position Sensor (chebbie LS style)
-Idle Air Control
-Intake Air Temp
-Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor that I probably won't even be using since the boost will be beyond its pressure range
-All the connectors and pigtails for these bad boys!
Also grabbed a spare IAC and IAT off some other chebbie passenger car, but the IAC looks a little different (the one with the visible spring on the plunger) and not nearly as nice as the Grand Prix one.
And don't burn me at the stake here, but a '97 Ford Explorer (Eddie Bauer edition!!) sacrificed the following:
-full Injector harness with 8 fuel injector connectors and some long damn pigtails!
I did accidentally break one of the connectors though, so I grabbed a few more spares off another explorer, seen at the bottom right of the pic.
Chopping up that harness lol:
And the bill for this junkyard adventure, you ask? A whopping total of free fitty!! That's right, I showed up at the front counter with a box of connectors and hacked up wiring, told the guy I was putting it all on '69 Charger, and he must have thought I was an escaped mental patient and felt bad for me or something, cause he let me out of there with all this stuff for free!
I did a pretty boring long-winded post over on the Procharged 440 thread, but I guess the decision on going this route boils down to really looking into the cost of building a
quality blow thru carb, and the added cost of sending it to C&S or csu if I end up not being able to get it to run right. The numbers stacked up quick, and I figured if I was spending that kind of money, I might as well be that far into my end-goal of the blown efi setup. It'll still take me a while to save up and get the whole thing put together, but luckily there's PLENTY of junkyard/cheap parts I can start gathering together, and my newfound "nothing but time" attitude for the Charger certainly makes things easier.
Here's a teaser of Redmist's setup, which I'll be following almost exactly since his end goal setup is exactly the same as mine (he's now in the process of adding the procharger)
And his efi buildthread: (I've been hitting the internet research hard over the past few weeks, and I'm up to understanding a solid 95% of what they're talking about over there lol :banana,99432.0.html
So that's about all for now, just plugging along on the Chevelle, collecting parts and researching efi/tuning for the Charger, hopefully some bodywork on both cars this week, and looking forward to a day or two wrenching on Meep's bird with him and Mike! Good times!

Very cool post. I can sleep easier now Speedy, knowing you're OK.
Thanks man! And yep, all good here other than still being buried under my to-do list lol

LMAO, I like the sticker. Glad your back Speedy
- - - Updated - - -
Trunk plans look pretty sweet!
Haha I'll have to see if I have an extra one to send ya! And thanks man that reminds me I need to finish those templates lol
Dang! You've been busy! Congrat's on your own speed shop. Should be a pretty cool adventure. Chev's looking good! Keep on keeping on amigo!
Thanks Prop! I'm hoping to have my first customer out the door satisfied next week, and hopefully more to come. The real dream would be building and selling my own cars and making money that way, but I've unfortunately become slightly attached to my first two projects, maybe I should buy a ford next time hahaha
(Hold your fire everyone, only kidding!)
The Laughing Larry Logo definitely gets FER RACIN' approval! I'll definitely need a sticker for the Toolbox when they're done!
As far as the GPS speedo goes it's really your best consideration since you're planning a T56 as well. Those custom guages and your trunk close-out are all gonna look sweet!
Welcome back fella! It's not the same around here without you!
Thanks Mike! I'll get one out to any of you soon as they're done! And I was thinking the same thing about the gps speedo, even though it'll probably be a while til I have the T56 funds now, it should definitely save me a headache later. And it's good to be back brother, missed all you guys and the bad@ss builds going on!
the trunk plan looks awesome
Not sure if we should thank the lord or wonder what yhe hell he was thinking, but either way I'm always here to stay! Lol thanks USA!
...ooops sorry...wrong thread. Ah well.
Congrats on the New Speed (y) Shop mate. I hope it goes well and you make a squillion dollars. :headbang:
LOL it's all good mate, I know my thread is easily confused with the blue room :banana:
Ahh a squillion, now
that would have frankenstein in good shape haha
You still postin that chevy chit in this here MOPAR GRoUP !!
Don't make me come down there !:black_eye:
Okay, you can come paint my motor and I'll forgive ya :icon_surprised:
Lookie ..
My buddy took a can of "Omaha Orange" to the block, it looks terrible.
Maybe I should let you "powder coat" it :headbang:
You'll need a bigger oven..
Shut up mike hahaha but yeah I think an engine block would be a little beyond my current toaster oven and blast cabinet capabilities haha would be pretty awesome though!! I'd just get some hemi orange mixed up by Jad up at Smooth Finishes, well actually that's exactly what I did lol his is color matched to original street hemi orange that Mike Devee took to him, good stuff!
Yes! hahaha I'm pretty dead set on that t56 with a pistol grip, but I think I might get that just because lol