Well-Known Member
Did I mention the Chebbie's going back together fast?

I think I might stick with the orange fender just long enough to get a picture with Hot Rod Roadkill's Charger lol (seriously completely by accident)

Oh and the Viper seats have landed! Beyond happy with them, super snug, comfortable, top notch fit n finish, everything you'd expect from a Mopar supercar. Really hit the jackpot in this one, $515 for the pair after shipping halfway across the country. Christmas came a couple weeks late for the Charger

Lol it's all good I openly admit the Chevelle is my trial run for the Charger! I'm gonna have to go back and re-read some of our messages, I think I'm gonna take a shot at a 3-piece carbon fiber trunk spoiler on the Chebbie before I go for Frankenstein's cf instrument cluster. And thanks man, I know I was going for "driveable" before but the Procharger has really forced my hand on this one, all the "endgame" things really need to be done now and in order if I want the old dodge to be all it can be.
And yeah the Viper t56 has been an option in my head since day 1 loI can't wait to watch your install! I'm hoping with one project out of the way my wallet will be a little more freed up for these Charger plans. Probably going to take another year to get it all done but it's already been 3 so what the hell! Haha
Honestly I have a lot of respect for the big power N/A guys, but in my mind there is no better streetable way to make power than boost. It's way more efficient especially in terms of the stress put on the engine at the same power level as an engine relying on stroke and/or rpm. And the more I researched centrifugal superchargers like Procharger's, the more I wanted one lol. They have a great track record for serious streetable power and reliability. Might have to sit your shaker on top of a carb hat lol!

I think I might stick with the orange fender just long enough to get a picture with Hot Rod Roadkill's Charger lol (seriously completely by accident)

Oh and the Viper seats have landed! Beyond happy with them, super snug, comfortable, top notch fit n finish, everything you'd expect from a Mopar supercar. Really hit the jackpot in this one, $515 for the pair after shipping halfway across the country. Christmas came a couple weeks late for the Charger

Now that's the attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Practice on a the......... Nevermind, I'll quit busting your balls about the Chevy. It does look good Speedy. I see your pondering a T56? I'm hoping to have the install done in short order depending on how much garage time I get so you'll have a good idea (around $3,000 for everything is safe). I really like your list, sounds like a sweet Charger! I've been farting around with how to get some more power out of mine without sacrificing the drivability and like your approach only I have one big problem "a shaker scoop". Looking forward to it.
Lol it's all good I openly admit the Chevelle is my trial run for the Charger! I'm gonna have to go back and re-read some of our messages, I think I'm gonna take a shot at a 3-piece carbon fiber trunk spoiler on the Chebbie before I go for Frankenstein's cf instrument cluster. And thanks man, I know I was going for "driveable" before but the Procharger has really forced my hand on this one, all the "endgame" things really need to be done now and in order if I want the old dodge to be all it can be.
And yeah the Viper t56 has been an option in my head since day 1 loI can't wait to watch your install! I'm hoping with one project out of the way my wallet will be a little more freed up for these Charger plans. Probably going to take another year to get it all done but it's already been 3 so what the hell! Haha
Honestly I have a lot of respect for the big power N/A guys, but in my mind there is no better streetable way to make power than boost. It's way more efficient especially in terms of the stress put on the engine at the same power level as an engine relying on stroke and/or rpm. And the more I researched centrifugal superchargers like Procharger's, the more I wanted one lol. They have a great track record for serious streetable power and reliability. Might have to sit your shaker on top of a carb hat lol!