Well, fixed the exhaust leak once and for all, I made several mistakes over the past few days, first off, by not checking the levelness of the exhaust manifold, ground it down smooth again, finished it off with a belt sander, next dumb oversight, assuming, ...never never never....long pause...never, assume anything is good just by looking at it, and I know better. It ran a little anemic, even for a 318 which was supposedly rebuilt with more HP, found it to running on only 5-7 cylinders...amazing how well these run even then, replaced the plugs, I assumed someone did a half *** tune up since it had the goofy yellow wires, pretty red cap and rotor, well, the only half *** was me for assuming it only needed plugs, some of the plugs were burnt up and I could tell weren't firing at all, replaced them, no better, started checking the pretty yellow wires...some of them weren't getting any spark, closer inspection and they would fall apart in your hand, replaced the wires....next dumb *** move on my part, was to assume the cap and rotor were good, and I know better, cap is for ****, rotor will get replaces as well, AF, pvc etc has already been done, looks like new points and condenser, I have new ones just in case, but first I'm replacing the cap and rotor and see if this thing will fire on all 8, I'll be checking dwell and timing also. DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME....not you guys, I'm talking to myself, I wish I could reach my *** with my left foot, it would get one hell of a kick, I know better.
I'll report back tomorrow, once this is done, it's off to the interior and sheet metal work.
Oh, and any Ohio boys reading, Mid Ohio Mopar Club meeting tomorrow!!!