I just ordered Sunday my tubular K-Member from QA1 $579 #52315 from Summit Racing, stock location engine mounting, sway bar mounts, tow rings, stock location steering mounts, {I have a $1000 Rack & Pinion conversion from Unisteer, from back in 2007, which I don't really recommend, I like it now, but need to build a custom set of headers anyway, the only headers that will fit off the shelf, with that rack, are the TTI-383188c} K-Member it will be drop shipped from the mfgr., @ no shipping charges... I have all my front suspension stuff "finally", probably will install in the late spring or early summer, money's been tight with not working much lately & running ol'Pops all over the place for testing & health issues since Nov 2013... I know have their adj. Upper & tubular Lower Control Arms, the Dynamic adj. strut rod... QA1 they bought out Capps Automotive who I had used several times before, hope all goes well... with my both sway bars, 4 shocks, r & p, UCA's & LCA's, strut rods, brakes, I have about $3000 total in my suspension now... Iknow that it's not a ton of weight saving but it will handle way better, with the battery in the pass. side trunk, lighter aluminum heads, stronger stiffer, way more adj. front suspension, last time I did this it was a difference of 110#'s total just for the suspension, not sure the difference in weight from the original Power steering box/pieces & the Power rack/pieces, the heads are about 70#'s, IIRC the rack was slightly lighter... not including the alum rad & shroud, alum w/pump housing, aluminum intake, elec. fans & w/pump, alum pulleys/serpentine belts, instead on off the heave steel pulleys & fan ect., probably another 40#'s maybe, off the nose of the car making the front to rear weight bias, much, much better, lower center of gravity, then I also have an A12 lift off fiberglass hood, fiberglass bumpers & aluminum mounts instead of the heavy steel OEM stuff for front & rear 70#'s Probably/Maybe {Unlimited Fiberglass Bumpers I wouldn't recommend either, have to do allot to clean them up, lousy quality control now}... 70# + 70# + 110#+ 40# + 40# {difference between Pro-Car buckets instead of the 130# bench seat} = total 360#'s maybe lighter & I will have lots of room for different Oil pan & Headers kind of {the damn R&P will limit that some too}