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Anyone else's old lady driving them crazy lately?


Well-Known Member
Local time
7:43 AM
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
My girlfriend has been driving me nuts for the past couple weeks. Gets on my last nerve at least once everyday. I complained to a buddy about it and he said his wife is doing the same. I don't have all the time in the world to hangout with her, and she seems to think I do. I tried working on the slant for a bit yesterday and she flipped because I wasn't over at her house. JEEEEEEZ. I hope I don't have to deal with this for 50+ years...

Thanks for the vent.
Yes you do....I know 2x....
and they get worse, you never know who or whom is coming home!:icon_question:
one day they are all nice and the next, well...
the very best of luck to you!
Mine used to be a 'clingon' but not so bad anymore but she still drives me nuts a lot. If it bothers you bad now, wait until you get married and have kids!! My first wife turned into Godzilla when our daughter was born. She became a bad helicopter mom and I needed supervision every minute that I was near my daughter and on and on. Postpartum depression? Probably but I had never even heard of that word back then but now it's all my fault and my daughter still doesn't speak to me 29 years later and my X says "I never said anything bad about you to her." Ok...sure.

All I can say is to take at least a psychology 101 course (a little more would be better) and save yourself some headaches down the road by learning who the crazies are and staying away from them or if you really love someone, learn how to bring out any problems y'all have and work on them. It's not 100% but at least it'll teach you how to identify who they might be and fix the problems. Also, it doesn't mean they won't turn into a crazy later but many that seem half way sane usually exhibit some traits early in life which will pop out later on.

Also, take a hard look at her parents. How do they act? Are they dysfunctional. If so, do they realize it and are trying to do something about it? It takes a lot of effort to break the 'chain'. Look up co dependency and control issues along with bipolar disorder too. I've dealt with all of that crap. It sucks for the people that suffer from it but it sucks even more when someone that doesn't suffer with it but has to deal with others that do suffer from it.

If I would have had a better education with this stuff, I would have been MUCH better off both psychologically AND financially! And keep in mind that the majority of the human race deals with one or more of the things I mentioned on one level or another. But if you rather not deal with the issues of others, at least maybe you'll learn how to identify them and stay clear. There are some that are easily identifiable but many more that are not.

Sorry for the novel....
yeah ...driving me crazy 40 years now ....and wait till you say >>>> I do ... then its more of the bad:evil1: and LESS of the good:hello2:
Calling her an old lady surely won't score you any brownie points. Why don't you try being nice & offer her a vacation to someplace warm. You can show her this picture as proof that you have a seat for her.

Mine used to be a 'clingon' but not so bad anymore but she still drives me nuts a lot. If it bothers you bad now, wait until you get married and have kids!! My first wife turned into Godzilla when our daughter was born. She became a bad helicopter mom and I needed supervision every minute that I was near my daughter and on and on. Postpartum depression? Probably but I had never even heard of that word back then but now it's all my fault and my daughter still doesn't speak to me 29 years later and my X says "I never said anything bad about you to her." Ok...sure.

All I can say is to take at least a psychology 101 course (a little more would be better) and save yourself some headaches down the road by learning who the crazies are and staying away from them or if you really love someone, learn how to bring out any problems y'all have and work on them. It's not 100% but at least it'll teach you how to identify who they might be and fix the problems. Also, it doesn't mean they won't turn into a crazy later but many that seem half way sane usually exhibit some traits early in life which will pop out later on.

Also, take a hard look at her parents. How do they act? Are they dysfunctional. If so, do they realize it and are trying to do something about it? It takes a lot of effort to break the 'chain'. Look up co dependency and control issues along with bipolar disorder too. I've dealt with all of that crap. It sucks for the people that suffer from it but it sucks even more when someone that doesn't suffer with it but has to deal with others that do suffer from it.

If I would have had a better education with this stuff, I would have been MUCH better off both psychologically AND financially! And keep in mind that the majority of the human race deals with one or more of the things I mentioned on one level or another. But if you rather not deal with the issues of others, at least maybe you'll learn how to identify them and stay clear. There are some that are easily identifiable but many more that are not.

Sorry for the novel....

That is an awesome Synopsis Cranky and I think you hit the nail on the head on so many fronts! My marriage ended last January after only 4 years... I knew I married the wrong person and neither of us were happy... Had I paid more attention to the things mentioned in your write-up I would have been better off.... All said and done we are good friends still and our separation was the easiest ever (one lawyer we agreed on everything - no bickering and no kids involved) But you have to consider life is short and if you have doubts that you are with the right person then take a step back before you take any more time from your life or hers
Calling her an old lady surely won't score you any brownie points. Why don't you try being nice & offer her a vacation to someplace warm. You can show her this picture as proof that you have a seat for her.

Geez LOL. Hey man, are you married!? :laughing4:
Another quick suggestion RyGuy is now would be a great time to dump her just before Christmas... This will allow you to return her gift and put that money into the Belvie!! LOL

You can always get back together in January (unless of course her birthday is in January then hold off on that too for more Belvie goodies! LMAO)
I would think seriously about what hyrdgoon says. I hear she bought you a hemi for Xmas.
Yeah, I dealt with all that **** early on in the relationship. She went away to school and ended up being medicated for depression. I helped her through it and she's been off for about 5 months now. It's not the same problems though. It could just be that during school I would stay at her parents place almost Monday - Friday because school is an hour less on the bus from her parents house. So now she's used to me being there a lot. But cmon! We just finished up an argument because she doesn't want me hanging out with my old friends. She thinks they're a bad influence because they drink a lot (probably because their girls push them to that point). Pshh, I don't have money for alcohol, and when I do get together with them we just go drifting or mess around with one of my cars. I would Goon but she spent probably triple on what I did for Christmas. It's a profitable time ;) haha. Guaranteed if I broke up with her she would blame it on the Belvie, I joke with her all the time about how if she didn't come around the Belvie would be a record setting car.
She became a bad helicopter mom

That's hilarious...Gonna use that one.

My X-monster use to act like that Ryguy. Tried to take away the things I loved in life and was about as fun as being caged in with a rabid dog. Left that broad sitting on the curb like an old sack of potato's. Trying to take away your car, your buddies, your fun? I'd walk over and pull the eject handle, put that headache into orbit.

Good luck!
Mine drives Me up the wall too but...............NO ONE ELSE would put up with My BS. Wouldn't trade Her for the world.
Another quick suggestion RyGuy is now would be a great time to dump her just before Christmas... This will allow you to return her gift and put that money into the Belvie!! LOL

You can always get back together in January (unless of course her birthday is in January then hold off on that too for more Belvie goodies! LMAO)

no no no, you wait till after Feb. 14th Valentines Day, to get back together, that's way you save a bunch of money & frustration... he he ha ha
That's hilarious...Gonna use that one.

My X-monster use to act like that Ryguy. Tried to take away the things I loved in life and was about as fun as being caged in with a rabid dog. Left that broad sitting on the curb like an old sack of potato's. Trying to take away your car, your buddies, your fun? I'd walk over and pull the eject handle, put that headache into orbit.

Good luck!
My X did the same damn thing. Didn't like my friends or most of the things I did. Beer in the fridge? OMG! I only drank one 6 pack the whole time we were married and she still bitched. She hated going to the drag strip with me and only went about half the time and expected me to be grateful for it. Bought a 70 RT Challenger rag top and she hated that too....and I have no idea why we had a child together. For some reason I guess I thought that would help make things better between us because she wanted to have a baby. I wasn't against it but I've never been much of a kid guy but was getting into it pretty good by the time she was a few months old but 'mom' made sure that wasn't going to happen. That's when I started thinking about the previous 4 years of our marriage and decided that I wasn't going to live like my mom and dad did. They did nothing but fight all the freaking time and my X and I were starting to do that so I decided I didn't want to put any kid through that crap. Well, I paid the price for it too but one year later, she did what she wanted and so did I.
Don't feel to bad as a lot of us are going through the same thing.<LOL>

This is why I feel most of us are either with/married to the same women
I guess some of us got lucky as I have the same one after 35 years and we annoy each other at times but no one has a good friend that does not annoy them some times
I guess some of us got lucky as I have the same one after 35 years and we annoy each other at times but no one has a good friend that does not annoy them some times
I ended up with my old girlfriend that I met in 1970. We got married in 86 and are still together. It's been fun to say the least but we had some rough times too but I learned a lot and she was willing to learn to get through the difficult times too. My X? I'm pretty sure she's still the same person as she was way back when judging by how she still acts. I'm thinking I made a good move getting away from her even though I more or less lost my daughter in the process. Too bad she acts just like her mom.....
Dear Abby, my girlfriend {or Old lady They hate that} is being a whinny complaining immature bitch, acting like a spoiled teenager, my question is... :eek:hthedrama: Dear Abby should I dump her before she ruins my life, or before the relationship goes to the next level, we get married ?? or should I be smart & find a woman {not a girl} who actually likes me for what I am, what I like to do & for what I enjoy in life, shares that experience with me ??... so I can be happy, have someone who loves me for what I am... :downtown: Dear Abbys response would be, you answered your own question............. Sad & Single with a whinny Old Lady; Nip it in the bud right now, tell her what you expect, don't sugar coat it... If she doesn't like it, then move on & be much happier, do not take the relationship to any higher level or marry some-one under these circumstances, until you can be honest & put all your cards on the table... you will regret it the rest of your life... :sSig_lol3: There are allot of fish in the sea.... :love1:
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