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Are you close to any nuclear targets?

Cherynobyl has TONS of vegetation, plants, animals, ok, 3 eyed fish in the lake, but it is alive. You can buy a tour of the joint.
It was 38? years ago that's a lot longer than 2 weeks, you can't live there, can't eat or drink anything, and any time spent there is limited, and there was not an initial blast that lifted debris and radioactive material 40,000+ ft into the air to widely disperse the radioactivity.
It was a melt Down, most of the nuclear core is in the basement.
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We have a lost Mark 15 thermonuclear off the coast of Tybee Island (Savannah, GA.)

We bombed ourselves.
I hope WOPR (AI in WarGames) has been told so when it finally degrades and detonates it knows it's one of ours.
"government property all around us, so you know nobody's gonna build"

"All I know is my teeth have never been whiter"
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There are prime targets here, though I am probably far enough away not to get directly blasted, and the predominant wind will most likely carry any fallout away from me. However, with Russia having 6000+ nukes (known) that are all multiple, multiple times the force of the atom bombs dropped on Japan, it won't matter. The suffering for those not directly hit will just be a little longer.

If you get a chance you should watch this series. I just finished it. It's a good historical narrative on how we got from WW2 to today's crisis in Ukraine. Probably the most interesting thing is... that we will never know what happened. One day we will just be ash or decaying corpses without any explanation as to who launched what first and why.

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War (TV Series 2024)

I still have a 1958 civil defense map of Vancouver, showing which roads will be converted to one way out of the city during an imminent attack, two hours after the initial warning. This of course was before ICBMs, when bombers would take awhile to get this far. There were recommendations such as always keeping supplies of fresh water handy, always keeping the gas tank filled in the car, having a portable transistor radio with fresh batteries and other advice.
Grade school, 1960s
hide under your desk, do not look out the windows.
^^^^Yes that is what I remember too. They also had big drums of water and some kind of rations in green cans in the school basement.....I am 10 miles from norad Nebraska we will be vapor.
5 miles away from what once the largest runway
in the US. Walker AFB.
Don’t know if Phoenix is any kind of target….but if ever in the Tucson area visit the titan nuclear missile site museum. The whole time in there was thinking if it was actually used the world would be real different today.
I, like @eldubb440, am right east of Philadelphia, plus right down the street from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and there are 4 Nuke plants around me. There I was explaining to the Hispanic guys I was working with that we were down wind from Three Mile Island! If you've ever read Stephen King's The Stand there would the Nuking of Atlantic City!

On occasion, my wife has expressed concern that my farts could be nuclear. And I try to target her….
Different countries have different targeting philosophies. Some like to target military targets and some like to target public targets. So, it depends on who is firing. I would bet that if any are set off, it will be suitcase size in major cities before military targets. That way, no one will know who set them off.
Use to SLEEP, EAT MEALS & WORK feet from a PWR for 4 years NO BIGGIE in my opinion, I'lll survive, otherwise I'll be dead. Ever thought of being VAPORIZED into fish food in 0.2 seconds? RIP Scorpion & Thresher crews along with the DBF crews off WW2.
Don't forget Lockhead Martin in Moorestown. Peach Bottom, Three Mile Island (talking of getting that back up running), Hope Creek & Salem (3 reactors) on Delaware Bay at southern tip of "JERSEY". Oyster Creek shutdown couple years ago.
Tracking USAF stations long gone, live 500 ft from one of those, now radar for FAA PHL airport
I don’t think Arkansas is much of a target any more. But back in the 80s we had 16 Titan missiles under Little Rock AFB arrayed in an arc north and around Little Rock, a B52 nuclear SAC Base, and sleepy little Pine Bluff Arsenal, still storing a massive amount of chemical (and biological?) weapons. I worked in construction for the Corps of Engineers and had a hand in demilling/closing all of them and now that they are gone from here, I don’t miss them much.

Still have a very large munitions industry under several large companies operating in south Arkansas. They are churning out artillery shells, rockets, etc for Ukraine.
I don’t think Arkansas is much of a target any more.
I don't understand yours and others thinking here.
Russia has over 6000 warheads, They are not going drop 500 on DC, no need to. Russia is targeting Childrens hospitals today in Ukraine.
Why do you think Arkanasa in this gets a free pass?
Don’t know if Phoenix is any kind of target….but if ever in the Tucson area visit the titan nuclear missile site museum. The whole time in there was thinking if it was actually used the world would be real different today.
Yes the west side has Luke AFB and Palo Verde nuclear power plant so duck and cover.
I don't understand yours and others thinking here.
Russia has over 6000 warheads, They are not going drop 500 on DC, no need to. Russia is targeting Childrens hospitals today in Ukraine.
Why do you think Arkanasa in this gets a free pass?
Your response is rather short sighted. In actuality nuclear war is not my biggest concern. How many nuclear wars have there been? A far, far, far greater risk of injury, illness or death is from a military accident. In 1980 a worker in a Titan II missile silo north of Little Rock, dropped a large socket off of a platform near the top of the missile. It bounced down the silo and punctured the liquid fuel tanks. As they were trying to evacuate the fuel ignited, blew the headworks and blast doors off (built up several feet thick from 12” plate steel) and launched the nuclear warhead off in the middle of the night into the nearby woods, whereabouts and condition unknown for hours. It was found the following day, fortunately intact. I got to supervise demoing what was left of the silo years later.

1980 Damascus Titan missile explosion - Wikipedia

Pine Buff Arsenal was one of our chemical weapons storage and older production sites and in the 80s and earlier stored a large cache of nerve gas and mustard munitions and bulk storage, much of it decades old from as far back as WWII and the Cold War. There were even German, WWII tractor rockets still loaded with mustard gas brought back from Germany at the end of WWII. Much of this was stored in old, small WWII bunkers scattered around the grounds and leakers were a common occurrence. Also due to an accident the old tractor rockets, still armed were scattered around the Base in wooded areas. My employees and contractors encounters a number of them in the 80s. Standard practice for entering a gas munitions bunker for years was to get a rabbit from the bunny farm on Base, suit up in MOPP gear or similar, crack the bunker door open enough to toss the rabbit in, close the door and come back some period of time later to see if the rabbit came out alive. There was an incident in the 80s where someone crawled over a section of Arsenal perimeter fence with welding/cutting gear, and cut open the door of a munitions bunker. Fortunately it was not one in one of the containment areas where most of the gas was stored. The surrounding communities lived in fear of a chemical release accident on the Arsenal for decades, dreading the siren warning systems going off that was put in the surrounding communities. In the late 80s and early 90s the chemical weapons were finally destroyed.

In 1960 we also had a SAC B47 taking off from the Air Base, crash in Little Rock with several crew member and public fatalities. Fortunately it was a reconnaissance plane and not armed with munitions.

So no, I don’t think Arkansas gets a free pass in a nuclear war. But I sure don’t miss all this stuff stored all around me and the risk of a serious accident.
@AR67GTX I'd forgotten about Lockheed-Martin and the USS Rancocas! In the Eighties I think half the fathers in the Scout Troop worked there or Dix/McGuire. We got a tour of the Rancocas and the command center was like being on the bridge of the Enterprise. They had a radar screen up and the operator said we can show you this but not tell you what the range is! You named all the Nuke plants I was thinking of except Limerick. My wife lived in Exton and made a comment about not living near Three Mile Island and I asked about Limerick only 30 miles away!
Best place to be on the planet is a US Navy submarine. You can't be found on a normal day when they have plenty of time to look. Then you launch move launch move, till your spent then provided you have enough food move to least fallout area of the planet.
Chernobyl and a nuclear warhead are not the same. A nuclear power plant is like the gas tank in your car, lot of fuel for a long time. A warhead is like one squirt from a injector at a given cylinder. Reason Chernobyl is a problem is the tank is going to take forever the run dry, so to speak. A warhead is over in a flash (literally) so the heat, radiation, and whatnot disappears rather quickly.
I believe (other than Russia doing something stupid, that would never happen, yeah) nukes are a "you need to stop now" type weapon at what is the end of a conflict, like Japan had done to them.
Russia's state of readiness is in question after watching them fumbling though the last 2 1/2 years. China has too much corruption throughout its government let alone background defense military departments. Their massive real estate boom is a paper tiger the infrastructure to support said real estate is non existent, but in someone's mind. More proof that communism cannot exist without capitalism supporting it.
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