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Are you close to any nuclear targets?

Im within 10 miles of 2 air force bases.
AND Raytheon Missile systems. Where they make the things.

So, Yeah,,,Odds are we are toast
Let's see, Sharon Harris nuclear plant 30 miles away, Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base an hour away,Camp Lejune and Cherry Point 3 hrs away,and Seymour Johnson AFB maybe 2 hrs away. I sleep well knowing if it goes full tilt I won't feel a thing.
Chernobyl and a nuclear warhead are not the same. A nuclear power plant is like the gas tank in your car, lot of fuel for a long time. A warhead is like one squirt from a injector at a given cylinder. Reason Chernobyl is a problem is the tank is going to take forever the run dry, so to speak. A warhead is over in a flash (literally) so the heat, radiation, and whatnot disappears rather quickly.
Not sure what your final point here is. The question was I believe was what does a nuke do to a reactor and all its contents in a conflict.
More proof that communism cannot exist without capitalism supporting it.
That topic I can't discuss here adequately by the rules on this forum.
Not sure what your final point here is. The question was I believe was what does a nuke do to a reactor and all its contents in a conflict.

That topic I can't discuss adequately by the rules on this forum.
A reactor is still a lot of nuclear material, and a large power source, so yeah them and all power plants are targets. Unchecked and not regulated it is a BIG bomb, so if hit by a large conventional weapon to disable support systems it can go nuclear. This is why when you deliver to one of these places you have to zigzag through the barriers, get mirrored, searched, put personal effects in lock box, etc., to prevent making the plant into a bomb, hard to do, but still makes a large problem.
To your point, if the majority get launched nowhere is exempt.
I was just trying to explain that a warhead and a core of a nuclear power plant are not the same and their aftermath is very different, then I got squirrelled. It happens.
I am a walking Nuclear target!

Well let's see.......we are right about 500 yards dead straight north of the main runway at Joint Base Lewis-McCord, about 15-20 miles south of the big naval base at Bremerton, WA(nuclear weapons storage), and about 60 miles south of Whitbey Island Naval Air Station......not to mention Boeing and all the other related defense manufacturing....

So when the crap hits the fan, we're all pretty much just a bunch of bacon crispies.... :lol:
Grew up around Chicago and there were underground minutemen missiles stashed in farm fields. Then moved to Tucson and the big-boy Titan ICBM's were at Davis-Monthan. Was stationed at Camp Pendelton, so I guess I enjoyed being in the blast radius, lol.
Get a good pair of Gargoyles and don't sweat it! If everyone starts lobbing nukes, you won't feel a thing. We have No control.
Interesting listening causing one to pause

I'm 30 minutes in, not sure I want to finish, it's looking rather bleak, but I will have to read the book.
Thanks for sharing

I am at 1:50. the interviewed author is very knowledgeable; however, I am surprised she sat with an interviewer that is so effectively clueless. I cringe every time he makes a comment.
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5 minutes from camp david.

30 from USAMRIID.

Hour from DC.

Don't have to worry about limping away!
It's my thinking, EVERYONE will not be wiped out although it appears here most will, and the few isolated survivors might wish they had.
The even sadder part IMO, I am not convinced those left to try and attempt to restart humanity will properly understand the mistakes that led to this calamity in the first place, setting them up to just repeat it centuries? later.
One observation might be preventing the rise to power and/or the simple elimination of maybe 5? psychopathic men in the world might save 5? billion people or maybe simply ban nuclear weapons?
I sat with my dad in his last days on this earth and talked about his experiences whe he participated in the H bomb tests in the Eniwitock Atoll area. He witnessed three tests, the largest was the Able Baker. Roughly a little over 10 megatons. The overall impression from everyone who witnessed the blast was sheer fear.
Because we see how well "banning guns" works for places like Chicago and Detroit.....
Point well taken, but to a large degree, we have banned biological and Chemical warfare, so there might be hope.
In the mid 70's there were approx 70,000 nuke warheads in the world. Today its closer to 13,000.
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