The rise is about 5/8", which should not be a major problem, as far as I can see. The pictures depict it as higher into the passenger floor than it really is, I think, due to the color change. And, my floor board in front will be modified significantly, due to the 2005 Chrysler 300 bucket seats in the front. I have already modified the floor on the drivers side, we'll see how that goes when I do the same on the passenger side. My primary goal at this time, is to get the bottom cleaned up, painted and get the brake lines and fuel lines set up.
The one thing I do like is, the frame connectors do not hang down under the car at all. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, the rise in the rear floor, but I personally don't see a lot of passengers in the rear seat anyway.....! If it bothered a builder, one could easily raise the rear floor 5/8" [a false floor i.e.] and you'd never know it. That might be something I would even consider...mmmm