Why do some people put other people in their perceived boxes and rip the **** out of them for their belief or values? The guy that lost his job and is collecting unemployment is automatically a scumbag because he isn't working? He's no different than the guy who doesn't want to work and steals stuff to buy his crack? When Mitt talked about the people on entitlements..."the 47%" he forgot that a good % of the people within this 47% were like my parents who worked a combined 90 friggin years and now on SS. We have people receiving entitlements that shouldn't be and who should be. We have people who are "liberal" who are good hard working people; yet they're all worthless gay lovers and tree huggers put in a liberal box. And those who are "conservative" are also all tossed in one box as racist evangelicals, who think the government is going to take their guns away. This broad-brush trashing on one another should really concern us. We're starting to follow the trashy campaign rhetoric. We have a two-party system to avert a dictatorship. If we say all my way or no way what have we got; a dictatorship. These people we elected left or right need to find a way to work together. Thinking of boxes, DC reminds me of watching toddlers play in a sandbox and one kid goes all ballistic because the other kid started playing with a toy the other thought was his and yet there are five more toys just like it in the box...