I have two processes I have used. One is messier than the other.
1. Engine running, lightly spray carb cleaner or a flammable spray on spots on the manifold that might be leaking. If engine rpm increases when hit with spray, that is your leak. It is messy and can damage paint, so be aware.
2. Using a propane torch with a tube end and valve, put a rubber hose on the tube end and turn on the gas, but do not ignite. With engine running, put tube end of gas where leak might be and listen for rpm increase. That is your leak. This is cleaner by far and can really pinpoint the leak. But some people are afraid of propane.
Go for carb gasket first.
Good luck,
Very interesting. Never heard of that one. I will see if my barn has the stuff I need. Would you use a vacuum gauge to notice this change or should I just notice this change in rpms if it were a vacuum leak by listening to the engine?
The engine doesn't pop anymore. It just has a dead spot during a sudden step on the peddle.
This morning it seemed like it was intermittent suggesting electrical again. Very frustrating. I did put the timing back to 2 degrees BTD and that seemed to help.
I'm almost ready to get one of "Petronix" type distributers and get rid of the points for good...
If someone knows someone who makes those types of setups I'd appreciate some advice if I was to buy a good one. Doesn't have to be a racing setup.
Some things I have done:
-I have replaced two vacuum plugs. One with a crack that plugged the manifold fitting. It did help..
-I have placed the timing to 2 degrees BTD. It was a bit advanced.
I have watched the distributor advance with a timing light working properly.
-Increased the accelerator pump nozzle from .032 to .035 with some improvement. I am waiting for a .037 nozzle to try when it arrives. I just don't want to be over compensating for a vacuum leak.
-I have sprayed carb cleaner on the manifold but there didn't seem to be a surge in rpms. I wasn't sure if the carb cleaner was being sucked up or just evaporating quickly from the heat but it did disappear very quickly.
-I will check for the plugged vacuum advance hose...Trying to keep up with suggestions...
-I will wire the choke plate open
-I will replace the points....again...
-I don't have a timing tape on the damper but I will get one because I would like to know total advance for intel..
I appreciate the feedback. Thank you