Well-Known Member
I like me some hacker pschorrIn WI, most everyone was German up till a few years ago. Or Swedish, or Dutch, or maybe Norway depends on region, but if you were one of those your neighbor was German and you probably married one
Braunschwieger is something I enjoy, but I have to get it from local butcher/sausage place. Store bought is wanting, after growing up with home made family old world stuff. Rest of the family won't eat it though, so I rarely get it anymore.
Liver is another one, you don;t live in WI surrounded by cows and not eat liver. Most hole in the wall corner places have it on the menu. Father in law and myself will partake.
Now that I am thinking about local sausage haus...
"Farmer sausage" is smoked sausage, beef, maybe a little pork depending but not always, usually in the shape of a ring bologna. It is nothing like a ring bologna. Eat it uncooked with cheddar(WI cheddar, which even in "medium" is like double sharp everywhere else) maybe some grapes to go with. Or apple slices. And a beer.
Haven't got any in a while now, but I am fond of smoked lake trout from lake superior, local sausage place gets some in occasionally. Same thing really, some cheese and maybe grapes or apple slices. I will have some crackers with this sometimes. And a beer. At Easter time a hard boiled egg cut in slices goes well with this too.
landjeager Dry sausage , with some cheese curds.
ok. I’ll have another hacker pschorr. Thank you.