I won't sugar coat it for ya !!!... As someone who has raise 6 children, 3 girls, 1 boy, also my niece & my nephew from about age 4 & 6 or so, now they're all thru & all done with college, all out of the house, thank GOD !!... I didn't really want kids... I loved being a bachelor, I loved chasing a different skirt & getting laid in every city, that I went to... I loved staying out until all hrs of the night every weekend, with my friends or chasing skirts, bar hoping etc... I didn't even ever want to be married... Let alone have kids... Hell, I didn't even like having someone live with me, other than my dogs... I was traveling allot, working allot, racing allot... I didn't have time for raising a family, the way I thought they should be raised or to not have yet another divorce in my family, like most everyone else had... My saintly mother basically raised 3 kids & mostly all on her own, worked 2 or 3 jobs to give us everything we needed, until I was about 6... I swore if I ever had kids, that crap wouldn't happen... My beloved Pops, as much as I love & respect him now, was an immature & basically, just a sperm donor, he didn't want a family, he was too busy chasing everything in a skirt {sound familiar} & only got married, because that's what they did in 1950's when a woman got knocked up... My mom was a 16 y/o sophomore in HS & Pop's was a 18 y/o senior in HS... My Pops was out of my life from the age of 18 months old, until I was about 13 y/o, before I moved in with him & his new wife, the utter-bitch with 4 other kids... I didn't ever want to be like most men back then... I felt you needed to be stable have a great income, to support your family like they should be supported/taken care of & not have to go thru a broken home like I did... Don't get me wrong I had it pretty good, I knew kids that had it much worse than I did... But I thought it could have been "allot better" & if I couldn't offer that, then I wasn't going to have kids... Fast forward I met a great woman "hot cowgirl" Lisa, that didn't want to change me, she loved what I did, she loved traveling & racing too, she didn't look down on me at all, we both had respect for each other... She excepted me for who I was & unfortunately she suddenly/unexpectedly died of kidney & liver failure, soon after the youngest girl was born, I was left to raise a family now all on my own... Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, I love my niece & nephew, I loved spending time, going to sporting events school event, having all their friends over all the time, with all of them... But I don't think they made me "complete or any such nonsense", I think I was a pretty well rounded & complete person, long before I had any kids, but they made me a more patient & a better more understanding person probably, than the single & skirt chasing bachelor I was, before I met Lisa or the kids came along... It ain't cheap having & raising children, kids will eat every dime you earn, they are very expensive to say the least, they take all your free time, even the great ones "get into trouble, sooner or later"... Boys were much easier after about 5 or 6, girls were great until about 12-13, there is way too many moody hormonal raging little teenage girls/******* out there... I'm proud of all my kids, they were all pretty much a total pain in the a$$ thou, like I said "I won't sugar coat it"... I miss them now & when they visit, it's really great, but I also can't wait for a nice quite house again, when they all leave too...LOL... If your not sure, don't do it, if your sure, be prepared to spend your years of your youth & all your money working extremely hard, raising & paying for the little humans, that you brought into this world & it's your responsibility to raise them well & give them every advantage, that's humanly possible for you to give them or teach them, to the best of your abilities or you should not ever have any children, if you can't or wont, think you can actually do that.... My $0.02 cents