What a gift! My dad gave me this for Christmas "he's never been one for waiting". I love it, the 1911 has always been my favorite hand gun along with the 45 being my choice for knock down power. Last year he got my wife a Judge (410 revolver), the man has good taste in presents.
"Wow" Now that's really cool, I wouldn't change the handle either. My grandpa is still around and has allot of stories about the Pacific "what a proud bunch of MEN" and deservingly so.I have my pappys old 1911 colt, he was in the south pacific 2nd marine div. amphtrac battalion, the old shoulder holster is about disintegrated but still works ok.he survived 6 beach assults and a bunch of other $hit. he was 90 when he left me 25 mos. ago.said he had to change barrels on it 3 times because of salt, sand and use. it has Plexiglas hand grips he had to make out of plane canopy and hot wire to cut it. they look primitive but i'll never replace them. I fire it regularly an have for 50 years or sinse I was 10 when he gave it to me. 1911s are one of the best of our time. thanks pap.
I have my pappys old 1911 colt, he was in the south pacific 2nd marine div. amphtrac battalion, the old shoulder holster is about disintegrated but still works ok.he survived 6 beach assults and a bunch of other $hit. he was 90 when he left me 25 mos. ago.said he had to change barrels on it 3 times because of salt, sand and use. it has Plexiglas hand grips he had to make out of plane canopy and hot wire to cut it. they look primitive but i'll never replace them. I fire it regularly an have for 50 years or sinse I was 10 when he gave it to me. 1911s are one of the best of our time. thanks pap.
Very nice! Who is the manufacture ?
So SWEET a gun!
Designed by John Browning.
The man was a true GENIUS!
It just fits the hand so well!
Funny thing about this Kalifornia, the JUDGE revolver...it is BANNED in this whacky state of Kalifornia