Anchorage, (or Palmer) Alaska;
June 21st summer solstice (I think that has been fudged too)
19hr:49 mins of daylight,
(Palmer farther North/East a few min's more & less)
it never really gets dark for 2 weeks prior & another 2 weeks after
gaining a few min's daily prior & then after losing a few min's a day
the sun just goes across the horizon, in a shallow arch, behind the mountain ridges
shadowing the city, given the impression the sun is going down
(farther north the more light hrs gained) sleep with tinfoil over your windows
flip side is;
winter solstice Dec. 21st (I think that has been fudged too)
total of 4hr:11 mins of daylight
IF that, 2 weeks prior & 2 weeks after, depending on cloud cover,
lose prior or gain a couple min.s a day,
midday 10:30am to maybe 3:00pm, is really the only true daylight
It's miserable in winter sunlight-wise, that creates cabin fever
It's truly goofy **** up there, they do DST up there even
I was up at Pt. Barrow Ak, (Nuvuk 'skimo name) during Winter solstice
farthest Northern point on North America/US,
dark for nearly a month if not more, -25*f to -40*f-ish
the whole damn time I was there
sort of still bright, not pitch black, when clear because of
all the ******* snow/ice, reflection off the moon, warm day was -10*f
the windchill was a lot colder, crazy windy/cold winds
then I was in Prudhoe Bay Ak, during the Summer solstice,
true daylight for nearly a month, the sun never set/or truly gets dark,
unless hidden by dark clouds
still bright, the sun, just shallowly arched across & down around across the horizon
& went back up, like in a huge circle around US... pretty damn flat
34*f - 42*f mid-June (?) was teeshirt weather
back in the mid 1980's
freaken' Polar Bears