Ok so me and my wife are having a great time and a few chuckles looking back at picture of some of the dogs we had (all adopted but for one). I figured since we are not working on the car and have no updates for it, I would share some more pic's of our past and present dogs.
The first two are the lab we have now walking with our son. That was about a year after we got her, something like 6 or 7 years ago. The two have been inseparable from day one.
He's now 17, working under his car and there she is with him.
These are just pic from our different journeys, same dog.
The next dog is Zorro, lab, adopted, his owner passed and the daughter was going to have him put down. This dog loved car rides but did not like water. This pic was taken along the Delaware River with the tan lab above. He was very content with sitting in the truck watching everyone. We only had him for a short 3 years. He was old when we got him, we did the best we could for him in his senior years.
The next one is Shane. Not adopted. I always wanted one and convinced my wife we needed one. He road home on her lap trying to lick her face and she swore he was trying to eat her alive. In the end, the two of them were buddy's. Shane was a year old when our son was born. He was very calm, but very alert. My son pulled his ears, feet, crawled all over and so on. Shane never became aggressive to him or anyone else. He loved his car rides. Sad to say in the end (13 years old) he was having issues. I had to come home from work to take him to the vet, it was that time, he put up a good fight. I put him in his seat rolled the window down so he could have his last car ride. When I arrived at the vets office, in tears, I got out of the truck walked around to his window to tell him I would be right back. While talking to him petting his head, he passed away. Very hard time but he did get one last car ride in.
His back yard chew toys were pvc pipes.