crappy digital photos of Polaroids
'Dan the man' (like 1997)
one of "The Dukes" last pups
'The Duke' grey haired old boy, he was a great Lab
fathered 81 pups, most were chocolate
a few yellows, some blacks
He loved going

to Paradise Ranch, the breeder's place (now closed & sold)
2 dykes ran it, nothing but female dogs, mostly all labs too
my beloved Lord Budnicks, by his car
Elvis my dog now
he's 8 now, this was when he was 5
a lil' greyer on the muzzle now
Bubba the rescue I fostered
I still miss him, I almost kept him, but he needed a place with kids & open space
so much energy
he lives on an Almond farm down by Oakdale now,
free rein to run, he's getting old
he'd be 10-ish now
I see him about 2-3 times a year, cool he still recognizes me
comes running right up, Darren says he doesn't do that with people other than him & his family