Found a little time to putz around with some roadrunner stuff this weekend...Splash shields. It's kind of tinker toy stuff compared to some of the other surgery I had to perform on the car, but least I got to do what I truely love about restoration---Metal Work!! After a couple hours dinking around with these, I really started pondering that I need to find me another mopar to start cutting/welding/grinding on...hehehehhehe!
my shields.......covered in factoy undercoat and rust...beautiful! Theeeeeeeee best way i've found to get factory undercoating off is not torches and scrappers, wirewheels or some funky spray can of magic from eastwood, even the media blaster fights with the stuff. What works? A I R N E E D L E G U N.. I'd say 2 minutes a side, and all the black tar devil was popped/pushed off the shields like butta.
Rotton! Cardboard template time.....
Like I said....piddly stuff, but it was still fun hanging out in the garage with my favorite piece of rust.
I was trying to stretch out my precious time in the garage, but avast the wife came with her biblical scrolls of honey to do's........Anybody need help with installing ceiling fans, i've installed six in this money pit..yeah Six!! No lie..
All patched up. lips, corners, bends, holes and all. Even got the funky ridge on the top back in there..........The other side just had a couple small patches, and I welded in a new box nut. Didn't bother snapping pic's
Have a good week fella's.