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Family Tradition

Thanks es1758! You bet it is one heck of a feeling. Long road to go yet, but at least now I can really see how she's gonna shape up.

Blanchards......No flipping way Jay. Ever since the old man died years ago, that place is in the toilet. I threw a rod and junked some valves thanks to those clowns with the Coronet. I had them assemble the lower assembly to save some time, being I was on leave. When I pulled the pan, turns out the connecting rod cap nuts where hand tight and almost half of the rest of the nuts were sitting in the oil pan. Sorry to hear they screwed you as well. I use to take blocks to Automotive in Appleton, but their prices are now in orbit. Way out of line, Plus that Jamie over in the autobody supply department thinks he is Chuck Foose or something. Super Arrogant, but has no clue what he's doing (usually how it works)

Block work is being done by Appleton Crank.
Shazam man! Now that you have some spare time can you assist me with locating my jaw? I know it's around here somewhere! That is friggin stunning! I absolutely love those black stripes. Just enough to make you do a what tha?

LOL! Thanks Jon....I tossed and turned on the stripes before paint, but I'm with you...Luv'em!
So are you happy with how the two piece floor came out after it was all said and done? I am up in the air on a one piece or two, really all I need is the center section that drops in right after the rails. Considered just making one with a bead roller and fab it all togther using seperate pieces to recreate the drop in, what you think.
I guess that all depends what you're shooting for buddy. If you're going for a perfect factory appearance and plan on having mirrors under your car at shows, go with the one piece. If you don't mind a weld seam being somewhat visible from underneath, go for the 2 piece. I'm happy with the resluts of the 2 piece. As far as the amount of work to change them out, I would say it's about a horse a piece. Obviously more welding with a 2 piece, but more metal to remove as well as some structure jigging with a one piece.

If I was in your shoe's and didn't have a large area to replace and had the skills/equipment/material to make a patch, I would do so. Save yourself the money if you can. God knows there's other things on the car that can suck that up in a hurry. Just be sure to use the same gauge of metal as the factory being it's a uni-boby and part of the cars core/support structure is through the floor
Wowsers! Very Nice old friend! Love the black hood stripes, the flat black just looks 'proper' and 'correct', way cool! Now, time to get my own *** GTX project back in gear!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read the roadrunner book nosser..This thread is getting so long we're gonna have to split it up into chapters. Thanks again, and send over some of that warm air due east if you get a chance..lol[/QUOTE]

hey you can always come down for a visit... always nice and warm here. :icon_thumleft:
Thanks Stu and Donny! The stripes sure seem to take the cake with everyone's opinion on it. Gotta say i'm real happy with them as well. Now, to keep them clean and free of wax is another question...LOL

Glad to see you rolling on the GTX over at your thread Donny. A man needs to give him self a break every once in a while from work to enjoy life.

You bet Nosser.......Since the roadrunner has turned my bank account into a burnt up wasteland, about the only way I could afford to get there these days would be rowing my own boat..LOL The only tropical vacation i'm gonna be seeing is the paper umbrella tossed on a cheap happy hour drink at the old VFW on Thursdays.
Someday i'll make it there...someday.
Will those hood stripes are flat-out killer.I mean bad-*** and then some!I gotta see this bird with the vinyl top.Killer says it all.I just put a set of Centerline drag wheels on my 70 RR and that really fit the bill for me with a black vinyl top/EV-2 body.If I could have found a set of Torue Thrusts or the bird I would have gone that route possibly but my buddy from work told me his dad didn't want to run Centerlines on his 69 Bee anymore.Damn that black/black/black looks killer.Thanks for this thread Will...very cool !
Thanks Dave! The Vinyl was going on today, headliner tomorrow. They had the vinyl layed out on the roof this morning, but not installed. It's gonna go great with the stripes. Has about the same sheen/glare as them. I'm stoked! I'll post up some pic's as soon as I can once it's installed. You gonna post up some pic's of your bird with the centerlines? Would love to see that combo.
I dunno man, all that pretty black. Oh, and once you get the shiney stuff on, you're gonna be polishing that bad little girl every hour. You're going to miss the bare metal stage.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe I typed that with a straight face. It looks frakin awesome.

Seriously though, keep those wheels and tires. I promise they'll come back in fashion.
Thanks Rev! As far as the inserts, went with the same Matte finish as the stripes. Thought about an offset color like red on the insert grill's, but was thinking that might break it up a bit too much.

One thing that is changed with the inserts is I filled the emblem holes for the engine type tag and am having custom metal emblems made (to replicate the OEM)...They will be "512" badges
That is gorgeous!
Usually I am not big on black on these B-bodies despite liking it on everything else, your car is making me wonder why!
Thanks Sneke........The one thing I enjoy about not having to be a numbers chaser is I can make the car how I want it. It's paid off on this car. I definitely respect the guys/car that are purist, but enjoy the freedom to be able to pick my own paint, engine, wheels, suspension ect..ect...

One Choice i'm trying to get hashed out is the wheels...We all see this same topic, seems like on a monthly basis and now having to pick my own I can see why. Here's what I have it leveled down to....Whatcha think?

US MAGS WHEEL Standard..Not too sure if I like the sharp rise on the spokes. From an angle they look like flat straight spokes


American Racing Torq-Thrust II.. Love the looks, but a straight on profile they seem not to fill into the center quite enough. This is the wheel I'm really swaying towards


American Racing Torq-Thrust D.. Fill in nice, pretty beefy, but not huge on the suttle flat machined 2 step lip coming in.


I know i'm the one that need to be happy in the end. It's tough to finally pic one being it's almost a grand out the door for a set...
Hey Will...let me throw ya my two cents for the wheels...

wanted these, but in the end i don't think they would have looked right on my car. your car on the other hand....


  • mbmos.glm.ang.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 422
Something blacked out with a polished outer rim and chrome nuts and centre cap would be My choice....

Hey Will...let me throw ya my two cents for the wheels...

wanted these, but in the end i don't think they would have looked right on my car. your car on the other hand....

Those are pretty sharp Mario! That Charcoal hue might work pretty dang good...Hmmmmmmm.

HMMMMMMMMM thats what I said 2 pages ago.....lol

satin black....just like the bonnet....oh sorry (hood) for You foriegners..
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