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Finally time to pull the trigger . . . starting on the New (much anticipated) SHOP - Build

Had an idea . . . Finally able to get my update from the past weekend . . . been busy . . .

( Me getting an "idea" can be a very scary thought . . . that's for sure . . . )

Got a bunch done last weekend, even with the limited amount of daylight . . .

A little while back, I had this crazy thought about connecting these two buildings . . . gain some more covered space . . .
And this weekend, started on the process to get it built . . . add the ridge beam . . .


Build the framing to support the metal roofing . . . and tie it into the moved building . . .


This area has had me a bit worried - I'll call it a head buster (KNOW that it'll get me some day . . . Not good ! ! !
So . . . onto plan D ( or E, F, G . . . lost count . . . )


Peel off the existing roofing . . . for the last 2 panels . . . that should take care of things . . .


And . . . then reuse the panels from the back side, and move them around to the front . . .
Got a few extra panels sitting around that will also need to be used to help finish this project . . . or thought . . .


Only thing left is to remove the framing and get it out of the way - and open up this area a little bit more . . .


That wasn't too hard . . . now to figure out the rest of the "design" . . .


This project included getting all the boards stained before they were installed, to make it easier ( I think )
And in the process . . . wore out the puppy dog . . . here he is resting in the moved garage . . . LOL


Now all that is needed is the purlins for attaching the metal roofing . . . got them added . . .


The first of the rear panels attached to the front of the roof . . . even got them cleaned before installation . . .


Got more pictures coming in the next post ( very soon ) with further progress on this project . . .

More Later . . .
Additional progress on spanning the gap between the buildings . . .

Here's the rest of the pictures on my progress from the past weekend . . .

Got the 2nd panel from the back side, cleaned up a bit, and moved to the front of the roof . . .
Looks like it'll need 2 more . . .


The spacing of the woodshed was entirely "random" . . . this project was not even a thought . . .
So . . . as it turns out, the spacing was not quite right for the widths of my panels . . . now what . . . was off by 2" . . .

Plan A - undo the entire front roof and move them all over 2"
Plan B - cut, and bend this panel to fit in as needed . . .

Was leaning toward Plan A . . .


Then finally decided that Plan B was the better alternative . . . so it's time to "plan" the cutting . . .


And the final result of how it'll look as it it'll lay on the roof . . . and in place . . . Not too bad ! ! !


This wraps up the front side of the roof - got some green paint to cover the white ( that looks horrible )


And after some thought, and figuring . . . here's the plan for the roof on the rear side of the gap spanning . . .
This will put this entire area under roof and allow for more wood to be stored here - probably a lot of kindling . . .


The view of the project from up the hill . . . the right side of the roofing needs some serious cleaning ! ! !


Kinda miscalculated the metal roofing . . . and the panels are here, but currently on the new shop keeping the peak "dry"

Time to figure out some more things that can be done to get this project completed and not sacrifice making a leak . . .
Not quite sure what's going to happen yet . . . but we'll figure something out . . .

More Later . . .
Had one of those Ruh-Roh moments today during my building . . .

Ever have one of those moments,
when everything is going great and then comes to a screeching halt ? It happened to me today . . .

We'll get to that in a moment,

But first, found this when I went back down to the woodshed, what in the WORLD happened here . . .
The entire back row in leaning . . . spent some time getting it back into order . . .


But . . . it toppled the next row . . . and the next row . . . spent a couple hours getting things back into shape . . .
NOT FUN . . . Still have NO clue what caused it or how it happened . . . very strange ( to say the least ) . . .


With all the rain we got from storm Nicole . . . took advantage of getting the metal roof cleaned . . . ( it needed it )
It looks so much better now . . . Still got the back side to get cleaned . . . OH BOY ! ! !


After all the rain, was able to get back to the work on the rear part of the building spanning . . .


This might show WHY that part of the roofing section was removed . . .


Adding in the needed rafters for this part of the roof . . .
The "inspector" loves the new view that he has now . . .


Added in all of the roof purlins for attachment of the metal roofing . . .


Here's where the Ruh-Roh moment hit me . . . had a "great" idea for this 4x4 post . . .
- you can see that the top of the post is notched on the far side to hold the roof rafter . . .
- and the bottom is notched on the near side to hold the lower roof - this is to hold the cross support member
- and the bottom goes into the ground and will be concreted in place . . .

So after is was all made . . . HOW am I going to get this thing in place ? ? ? ? ? ?
- thoughts of dismantling a bunch of stuff to allow things to move . . . UGH . . .

This was a bit of a . . . WTF . . .


- not only that - - - had to unscrew a part of the metal roof to allow the 4x4 to get up there in place . . . Jeeez ! ! !
the solution that I came up with . . . elongate the hole for the post, to allow it to fit and slide into place . . .

BUT . . . it worked ( luckily . . .) . . . WHEW ! ! !


It was just one of those days . . . sure glad it's over with . . .

More Later . . .
Holiday season but shop work still continues . . .

Even though it's the holiday season, the work on the shop is still continuing to progress . . .
Here's what's been going on - and the progress that's been made . . .

Thought this was going to be a "simple" task, just add a little bit of dirt and be done with it . . .
Boy was I wrong - it's taking more fill than expected . . . but . . .


Alternating with some dirt . . . and then the crush and run . . .


The dirt is gotten from the piles that accumulated when the footings were dug for the new shop
( didn't really have anyplace else to put this stuff . . . ) but now it's getting cleaned up !


And the backfilling continues . . . the new motorized cart is making this a MUCH easier job too !


Finally starting to look like I'm getting there . . .


Probably going to rent a compactor and get this packed a bit ( but the rain is helping a LOT ! )


On one of the cooler days, the inspector found himself a very nice, and warm, place to lay down
The slacker . . .


With that job near it's completion . . . it's time to get back to the old shop, and in this case, the old lean-to . . .
They had a done the whole ground with brick pavers - and they need to be moved out . . . so the job begins . . .


And . . . it turns out, I've got just the place for them to go . . . so we're off to the races on this job . . .


Trying to get this done in a "useable" fashion and get these brick pavers out of my way under the lean-to . . .


Got plenty more of these to get moved . . . and that will be the focus of the work . . .

Hopefully . . . on to stuff for getting the pad poured for the big shop ! ! !

More Later . . .
Had a few visitors show up - after Thanksgiving ( of course ) . . .

This was quite the site on the front yard . . . Just a few turkeys hanging out . . .


This was really quite the cool sight . . .


And Obie thought so too . . .


Guess they could now show themselves since Thanksgiving day had passed already . . . LOL

And YES . . . that is the Belvedere hood in the living room of the house ( where I did the dimpling )
Now you can understand WHY I need a bigger shop ! ! !

More Later . . .
Back good ole Missouri, for 17 years, all I heated with was wood. A chain saw, splittin mall, and me. Last year there was 2017. I was 69 and frisky when I left there for Texas! Can not do that today!!
I'm on the down hill run to 72 and still do a little bit for my smoker but very little bit lol
Additional progress . . . tree limb cleanup . . . Mom has been helping out . . .

Mom wants to help out and she loves helping with the tree limbs . . . cutting them up . . .

The smaller stuff we dump in the mulching pile . . .

Posted this picture earlier, but you can see the stack of limbs in front of Obie . . .
It actually goes on as far to the right - it's the branches from 6 trees . . .


This is what's left . . . a few piles of kindling, and the larger branches that I'll cut up for firewood and stack . . .


Got another stack of these in the back of the yard, that have been collecting . . . and will need to be cleared
Mom even said that she's anxious to get started on this stack . . .
Uh . . . the stack to the right and behind the cut up cedar . . . got a big mess back here too . . .


But, day by day, the cleanup is proceeding, and the work on the progress is moving along . . .
And the hope it to have the concrete slab poured and ready for framing . . . hopefully shortly . . .

Time will tell . . .

More Later . . .
Raining all day today . . . Here's my updates from yesterday work . . .

Don't always get these posted when they happen, but try and get it done ASAP . . .

Working on this part - the clean up of the stuff that was stored under the lean-to . . .
And the removal of all of the brick pavers that were on the ground in this area . . .


Here's the remainder of them, nicely stacked for use later . . . I've got a plan for where they will be used too . . .


Didn't know how this removal was going to go . . . the metal roof is nailed down, not screwed down . . .
But . . . the only way to figure it out . . . it to get my arse up there and figure it out ! ! ! First Panel removed . . .


Look what was found when the panels were removed . . .


Kinda surprised to find this here . . . but they'll build the nest anywhere . . .


Got to the halfway point . . . with tin removal . . . and was quite happy with the progress . . .


Next step . . . was to remove what's left of the framing on this half of the structure . . . DONE ! ! !


The progress was very inspiring - was not sure how much I was going to be able to get done before dark.
But to get half of it down . . . that was a great pick-me-up . . . Still got some stuff that needs to be moved too.

Outside of the fact that it was raining today, and I could not get to work on this project . . . tomorrow is another day.
Take a look at my bath remodel if you want to see what was accomplished today . . .

More later . . .
Reaching a goal . . . Meeting another milestone . . . Finally ! ! !

Been a long time in the waiting, but this weekend . . . it happened . . .

The old shop location and lean-to removal has been the goal . . . got half of it removed last weekend . . .


Yesterday . . . the tin got removed from the top of the remaining structure . . .


After it was removed, had an interesting event and the structure kinda collapsed . . .
Not so "strange" as it's attachment to the building was a huge part of it's strength - but the building has been gone.

The scary part is . . . that I was on top of the thing not 10-15 minutes earlier removing the tin . . . Whew . . .


Milestone met . . . the lean-to is no longer . . .


Got a bit more clean up to get done . . . and I'm ready to get started on the framing of the forms for the pad !

More Later . . .
What kind of nest was that? Looks like the size of the eggs is quite large like a chicken's........
What kind of nest was that? Looks like the size of the eggs is quite large like a chicken's........

Not too sure . . . the eggs were very small, like the size of a penny . . . probably some kind of Finch . . .
Progress made on the projects over the past weekend . . .

Even with the cold weather, and the short days, the projects are still moving forward . . .

Friday was the day that the metal roofing was picked up to cover the back of the building connections . . .


1st matter of business - the 3 panels are each 3' wide, and the needs were to cover 8' - so there was an extra 1' of metal . . .
This was resolved by cutting off one of the sections of the the panel - which allowed for some flashing against the building.


Second panel was much easier, as it was a full sheet and it went into place fairly easily . . . even doing it alone . . .


Had a bit of a problem with the ridge area, as the metal roofing on the adjoining roof was too proud . . .


That was resolved by removing the area of metal that was in the way . . . and giving it some clearance . . .


Looking good, as the roof is coming together and sealing this area from the weather . . . 2 panels in place now . . .
Only one more panel left to be installed . . .


Got the 3rd, and final panel installed on this section - and also got the full field screwed down . . .


Could not be happier with the results of the roofing . . . and glad to have this under cover now. Only thing left . . .


Get the ridge vent secured to the top of the building and this project can get a fork stuck in it . . .


Got a tiny bit more of little details that need to get done on this . . . but the roof was the biggest concern.
Trying not to spend ALL my time fine tuning this project, and get back to working on the biggest need - the shop !

More Later . . .
Nice, I wouldn't call that a crazy idea.. makes to much sense to be crazy. Gained some space and made both structures look better at the same time, win, win.
A break in the sub freezing temps . . . and a chance to get back to work on projects . . .

The past week has hit us hard with sub-freezing temps, and it was not very friendly to outside working . . .

Not this it helped much . . . but cleanup is necessary . . .
After taking down 5-6 trees, there is a lot of junk that needs to be cleaned up - burning works VERY well.

This is my version on my burn barrel . . .

A tractor trailer rim on the bottom, with connections to the barrel to hold it up . . . what this does . . .
It makes this burn barrel act the same as a "chimney" and the results are amazing . . .
You can see the hot embers on the bottom . . . and the air flowing up the side burns the outside quickly . . .


Now back to the unfinished business on the woodshed/barn building . . . these opening need a bit of work . . .
Note - all of this work was done with recycled stuff from taking apart the lean-to . . .
The clamp help holding the left panel in place is still visible as work begins on the right panel . . .


View of the first panel from the outside . . . ( including the clamp ) . . .


Actually had to cut a new piece for the right panel - the first piece was not working out so well . . .


Once again . . . panel being held in place with some clamps . . . .


Thought I was about done - till I took another look . . .and did not like the gaps on the bottom . . .


The outside of the panel, after getting stained . . . was satisfactory . . .


Adding a few extra scrap pieces of lumber to fill the gaps helped the inside appearance . . . And stain too !


Finally - adding a piece of lattice to the end of the new addition . . . helped finish it off . . .
It's still in need of staining . . . but that'll get done soon enough . . .


Got a HUGE amount of burning done, and cleaned up a lot of debris . . . lots has been falling as a result of the high
winds that we've bee seeing with the storms that have blown through here . . . plus all the extra small limbs and
branches from the trees that were taken down . . .

Still working on cleaning up the area where the shop was . . . and trying to get the forms in place for the next concrete pad.

More Later . . .
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When I say cleanup . . . I mean cleanup . . .

Been working on this big mess up the hill - but the area of the shop is finally getting cleaned up . . .

That chunk of concrete will be moved, and the generator placed back on top of it . . .


Under the white bag is the old lawnmower engine from my grandpa's Locke reel mower . . .
( that's yet another project that I'll be working on . . . )


Made some huge progress on the cleanup . . . been working on measurements . . . layouts . . .

Need to get all the organic material out of the way, and get some crush and run (ABC stone) down . . . .
Frame up all the edges for concrete . . . and get this thing poured ( oh, make rebar frames too )

More Later . . .
More footings to dig soon ?

Looking really nice around the yard now Larry....well done. :thumbsup:
Wow! This is some no-*******-around level of dedication to completing a task. I raise one in your honor!
Cleanup is mostly done . . . How to proceed . . . Been thinking . . .

Even with the colder temps, been working on getting this area cleaned up and ready for the next step . . .

The center section of the building requires a 16" footer . . . and my concrete pad is kinda in the way . . .

So we had to do a little demolition . . . of 6" off the edge . . .


Got it all busted away and cleared out . . . and now the 16" footer will be able to fit in place . . .


In the process of the cleanup, had a few blueberry bushes that were not doing well, in too much shade . . .
And they would have been behind the new shop after it was constructed . . . not going to help out . . .
So the decision was made . . . they had to move, and they did . . . here's the new resting spot . . .
They should be able to thrive in this new location . . . anxious to see how they do here . . .


Back to question of how to proceed . . .

And then one sleepless night - had an epiphany . . . my concern was how to keep the forms from moving . . .
Especially when the weigh of the concrete is behind them . . . ( had that with the first part of the shop )

Then it finally hit me . . . I'm going to do similar to what Devin did on his garage build - footers in the ground !
And then build a block wall up to as needed and then the concrete is poured between the blocks ! !

Should be seeing same new action on this build as I'm totally stoked and anxious to get this thing moving !
Got some serious measurements, layout, and elevation to get planned out ( and see how out of level the other part is )

More Later . . .
Auto Transport Service