Got a little bit side tracked today . . . but had a success ! ! !
Had a "huge" Crepe Myrtle in my backyard . . .
For reference - the "cage" around my peach tree is 6' tall . . . so this is 18' tall . . . Problem is - I don't like it.
So one day out came the chainsaw . . . and Hurricane Larry . . .
(BTW - if this Hurricane season gets far enough, hurricane Larry is on the List)
And an hour (+/-) later (didn't time it), had it all cleared out and back in the wood scraps . . .
Well . . . that stump is massive . . . and the thought of digging it out . . . so it SAT . . .
Till this morning - rented a trencher and trenched around the thing . . . the I wondered IF it would come out . . .
My Chevy Silverado (with 370,000 mile on it) has been good to me . . . and it pulled (pun intended) through
again . . . .
Had to make sure I could drag it out of the hole . . .
Now what to do with it . . .
Anybody wan a huge Crepe Myrtle root ball ? ? ? I swear, you can't kill these things . . .
Back to work again on the wire mesh tomorrow . . .