I like firearms/guns of all sorts...
too bad they all went down with that damn ship

traject accident & loss
S&W, especially their revolvers, L & N frames in 686 & 629 in Stainless
org. Marlin lever-action 1894 or Big Loop in .357 & .44 mag
Colt rifles platforms, revolvers the iconic Python
&/or especially their semi-auto pistols, 1911's pref.
Ruger revolvers & semi-autos, the Redhawk & Super Redhawk or,
Ruger Rifles my 1st was an iconic 10/22 at 8-ish & like their long guns now
(love their new lever-action/long guns, Marlins co. of
which they now own)
Winchester model 70, from the 1970s, with 12x Leupold scope
(one of my favorite hunting rifles of all time, deadly accurate to 500 yd)
Winchester/Colt John Wayne commemorative box set, .45-70 W & .45 LC
Remington Pistol & Riffle & especially their 870 shotguns Wingmaster 20ga & 12ga
one if not the best 'bird guns' I ever shot, regardless of cost
Kimber, love their semi-autos, esp. in stainless
Sig Sauer
my Grandfather "Whitey's" M1Gerand in 30-06,
he was awarded/gifted back in like 1947-ish
a couple are foreign mnfgr, but not many
I'm sure I've forgot a couple too
preferred rounds are
#1 .45 acp
or .40 ca S&W
or 10mm
or .44 mag/.44 special when target shooting
or .357 mag/.38 ca. or special when target shooting
or .270 Winchester Mag, deadly accurate
or .556/.223
or .30-30
or .45 Long Colt
or .45-70
or .30-06
or .30-30
or .38 super
or 9mm
or .380
or .22 LR, cheap fun
or .22 Mag, cheap fun
or .177 ca, darts, bb's pistol 800' per/sec, cheap fun
or .177 ca air Riffle 1200' per/sec, copper rds are great, cheap fun
or .22 ca air riffle, in lead, steel or copper, cheap fun & quiet
I did help to build & worked at/ran 2 different Target Masters,
a posh semi-private club back then, indoor shooting ranges,
& gun sales, way back when, before the fascist tookover
I wish I still had them all,
unfortunately life, kids,
economic/Inflation & 2 recessions
& 26 racecars, all get in the way
Sometimes you need to do, what you gotta do...
now if this was a private forum, away from nefarious people
not for any
'Joe' Schmoe, or
their henchmen
that have nothing better to do than infringe on people's legal rights as Americans
it'd be more appropriate to show some
but you never know 'today'