Well, I figure I better chime in on this. Just to give you a little background, tdog joined this site in 10- 2011, the first run in with a Mod(not me) on this site with tdog was 2-2012. And it was a lingering problem the whole time. Like it was stated before, he had numerous chances on this board since 2-2012.
Every run in I've had with him, I've been cordial. Explaining to him what the problem was, and how to rectify the problem so he could continue to be a member of this forum. Again, I don't make up the rules of the site, the owner does. Most of you members don't know all the history of tdog and the Mods, besides us Mods. Put it this way, he can send some pretty "colorful" pm's when he hears something he didn't want to hear.
Was he a knowledgeable member, Yes he was.
What happened last Saturday night was about all I had left. I came to my breaking point, I'm I proud of it? No, not at all. Could I have handled it differently? Probably, but I have been taking the high road for a long time.
My only defense is, I'm human just like all of you, and I had reached my limit with him.
"5wndwcpe"is a member on this board that posted a bunch of Wisconsin jokes. All in good fun. Well I posted a bunch of Pennsylvania jokes, because "5wndwcpe" is from Pennsylvania. I was not thinking if tdog at all.
And this is what happened>>>
Sorry, but he offended me with his first post in that thread. Like I said, I reached my point.
I locked the thread, so you can't reply to it, but feel free to reply on this thread.