Last summer I picked up a set of headers to replace the current ones on my '69 charger 383. No markings or anything to say which kind they were to direct replace, so I went with a set of hookers that did not clear the torsion bars/pitman arm. Ended up putting the old set back on for the time being. Looking for recommendations for a decent set of long tube headers that will be a direct fit for a stock set set up w/ power steering. Kind of budget minded, would prefer the 400-700 range, but will pay a little more if needed to get something that actually fits.
Additionally, I had my heads checked out because even with quality locking header bolts, half the bolts wouldn't tighten. The thread holes had already been machined before and the recommendation from the machine shop was to scrap the heads. Is it a better option to find a used set of heads and have them machined out or just get a basic aftermarket head? If aftermarket, any recs on a specific head?
Additionally, I had my heads checked out because even with quality locking header bolts, half the bolts wouldn't tighten. The thread holes had already been machined before and the recommendation from the machine shop was to scrap the heads. Is it a better option to find a used set of heads and have them machined out or just get a basic aftermarket head? If aftermarket, any recs on a specific head?