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Never been as hot as I was in Iraq. it was hard to believe there was actual water flowing in the Tigris River. Check the thermometer behind me....

I used to be a CW Re-enactor and I remember being in Gettysburg just about the 4th of July back in 1993 for the 130Th Anniv. (Battle was July 1,2 & 3rd 1863). That year the heat index was about 103. Try running around in a wool uniform with a rifle & leather gear baking in the sun and having an hour battle with just a canteen. Lots of people went down with the heat. I've gone down 2x and man it's not fun.
Never been as hot as I was in Iraq. it was hard to believe there was actual water flowing in the Tigris River. Check the thermometer behind me....

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Damn Ghost that's some serious ambient temps...

Smiley You Da Man Sammy Davis Jr..jpg

you know I thank you & it can't be said often enough
for your devoted military service on the front lines of war
to/for our great military & our once again great country :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I had heat stroke in basic, spent a week in hospital before AIT. Drank a bunch of grape Kool Aid, still hate that crap.
With all this talk about how painful hot can be, I recall several times in the southwest desert areas that were near perfect at 100 degrees (at night).

A friend and I were crossing Arizona on bikes on a clear night with air temp. at 100.
A long open road on a clear night full of stars with a 70mph breeze sticks in my mind enough to bring it up here. A couple of hundred miles
of perfect I will never forget.

On the other side of what some of us like to do for fun or work is a report/video I recall of a few folks that chose to run a marathon in death valley in the heat of the summer. Wow they appeared to be near death miles before the end.:realcrazy:
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I had heat stroke in basic, spent a week in hospital before AIT. Drank a bunch of grape Kool Aid, still hate that crap.

Heat stroke sneaks up on us. Our best help is others recognizing it because we (the victims) don't see it coming.--We don't reach out for help--
In the ugly places, I work training and partners are part of the plan.
That's funny, I'm still laughing my *** off at that Dennis!!!
I got heat stroke the first week I was there, but quick thinking by my Squad leader saved my ***, Ssgt. Stringer!! I got a couple of iv's, and was good to go. Even with all the training and water drinking before going over there, I still got depleted.
Being intoxicated never killed anyone. But being poisoned has, and it happened a couple of years ago in the Sacramento area. A morning show was giving away an XBOX and the contestants had to drink as much water as they could, well this lady drank too much and died. The dj's were fired and I think the station was sued.
Going to be over 100 here until next Friday! 110 predicted on wed. Guess I'll be staying in for the most part, not going to chance stressing my recovery.
Nope I like it the other direction my self. I worked the north slope of Alaska for 30 years. Give me -55 over that kind of heat any day. Although we are having yet another very cool year here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Upper 40's at night and upper 60's to low 70's during the day. Love the weather here.
The worst I ever endured was when I built power line. August in Iowa working in private right of way ( corn fields) at 7am it's 75 and the dew is dripping off the corn. At 2pm its 95 and the dew is still dripping off the corn. You pray that the next pole is over 50' so you can get some air.
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