Well-Known Member
I’ve had my battery neg disconnected for the past week while I installed a new dash. Today after getting done wiring up a new oil pressure gage and an oil pressure pressure sending unit for the idiot I reconnected the battery neg terminal and immediately went up in smoke. The hot wire from the starter to the relay and from the relay to the bulkhead terminal fried big time… No other wires were burnt, nothing under the dash burned or got hot. The hot and ground connections to the new dash were fine, and correct. I took the starter out and bench tested it with a spare battery. It fully spun and engaged - although sounded a bit “loud” - but it is one of the original big starters. My big dilemma is what the heck happed to cause the wire to burn up like that???
I suck chasing electrical problems and could use some help. If the relay on the dash just decided to stick, would that have done it? If the starter was bad and grounded I wouldn’t think it would run on the bench? At this point I assume the relay is bad and needs replacing, obviously the burned line. My Buddy has a starter that I could use if we thought it was the starter. Any thoughts, ideas or tips on what/how to find my gremlin?
I suck chasing electrical problems and could use some help. If the relay on the dash just decided to stick, would that have done it? If the starter was bad and grounded I wouldn’t think it would run on the bench? At this point I assume the relay is bad and needs replacing, obviously the burned line. My Buddy has a starter that I could use if we thought it was the starter. Any thoughts, ideas or tips on what/how to find my gremlin?