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Hey FBBO Members......

I have owned more A bodies then B bodies, does that mean I will get kick out?
If an A Body got with a B Body would they have a C Body?

Or is it E Body = MoparCbody squared?

I am so confused!
I'm on both sites. Anybody that the OP of that thread has a problem with, is A OK by me !! Will leave it at that....... Just re-read this and thinking maybe it could be taken wrong. Trying to say that I see how that OP operates on fabo, so if someone here pisses him off, then that man is a friend of mine. (Probably should have just kept my mouth shut).
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I thought that A-body x B-body = E-body ~ C-body = B-body:realcrazy:....snobs....really.....:luvplace:
Check out Post 322 from 44070dart:

"Mine just ran out, I won't be renewing it. A lot of discussions there are turned political lately and get ugly FAST. It's unbelievable how a certain click there has overrun the place and like to label anyone who has a difference of opinion . I stop in for repair info or see what's for sale, but other than that I'm done."

Ya know?
There IS truth to some of the things a few of these guys are saying.
-I also have asked guys to calm down, that we are ALL on the same team.
-There ARE some whiners and crybabies on our forum!
That is why I cherish our conversations on the PM's
we're mostly buyers, not builders........ lmao

It seems like I'm always buying parts. So I'm a buyer. Haha

Who cares how someone acquires a vehicle? Shouldn't matter if you build, buy, or inherit it, you're a MOPAR owner. Be happy that you have something awesome!!!
There is a different and distinct vibe here vs. every other board I have been to. That posters complaint is valid from his point of view and not without merit. I am however sure that this board could do the same about FABO.

That member is parting out a car plain and simple. Commentary in the sale ad’s are not supposed to be anything but about the parts being sold and questions about them.

NOT about questioning and by a certain amount why wouldn’t you save that car that you are passing judgement on that you don’t have a full understanding of. Or the added suggestions on what to save. I truly think even the young guys with half a brain understand and know what is what and ez or not to get. Do any of you need to be told what to save?

If that’s his Decision to park the car out, then that’s his decision. Who are you to pass judgment on what is and isn’t worthy. You don’t know his situation.

If such is the case, then perhaps YOU should purchase the entire car.

Whether or not you intended to put forth a badgering and or condescending type of tone in that reply is only known by you but it should be understood that’s the way you can be taken. I’m often accused of such things. But that’s the problem with typing out a text and answer. People assume a tone. Correct or not that is a problem. The way that reply read was pretty much in my opinion the way I sort whether it was true or not, condescending, arrogant with a dose of why don’t you really put an edge to it as if he was inferior that you are superior.

I would not get all bent out of shape over it.
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We should all chip in and buy that site a crying closet!
Moparts could use one as well!
krazykuda says:
(Post 24)
"FBBO members and mods are @ssholes....
"I rarely visit there..."

The total Irony is: they are doing Exactrry what they are accusing US of doing!
Ha Ha


Well said 6t6slodart:
As spoken by the "Great" Ricky Nelson in his song: Garden Party
True story on how he played Madison Square Garden in the 80s and no one wanted to hear his new songs...

Ricky Nelson + Garden Party:
LYRICS: I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When i got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, i didn't look the same

But it's all right now, i learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself

People came from miles around, everyone was there
Yoko brought her walrus, there was magic in the air
'n' over in the corner, much to my surprise
Mr. Hughes hid in dylan's shoes wearing his disguise
I owned an a body once ! Then I grew up ! I don't go on a body's anymore because they whine so much ! I am on c body's and there OK over there
Why get sucked into a pointless argument with a person who forumlates an opinion of a car based on a conversation or experience he had with with an owner of that model of car? Really? "I don't like you, so now I don't like anyone who owns a car that you own." You really think you'll have a rational conversation with that person? Ya gotta guy who hates his Corvette owner of a father-in-law because he yelled at somebody over spaghetti and that gives all Covette owners a bad rap? And now you know why people leave these sites.
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